forty five- am i good enough?

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Peter's POV

"H-hey Liz, thanks for agreeing to meet up with me. I just thought maybe this time would be better because the cafeteria isn't crowded." I said.

She nodded, "It's alright, Peter. What did you need help with?"

"Uh- I just uh- need-needed help on a-asking Y/N..." I mumbled, "to homecoming." I added.

Liz put her hand over her mouth, "Oh my goodness! I knew it! You guys are literally perfect!" she exclaimed.

I felt my face getting red, "Uh- th-thanks. But I-I don't know if she feels the same..."

"Trust me. She does."

"B-but I was hopping if you could pretend to be her so I could practice ju-just incase I mess up in front of her..."

"Of course!" she replied, nodding her head. "I'll literally pretend like her because I know what she feels like."

"T-thanks...Okay.. I'm going to start. Hey Y/N..."

"Yeah?" Liz replied.

"I'm sorry for not being the best partner..." I started, "Because I had detention, so I missed out on meetings..."

"What? No it's fine!"

"No, I, I just mean that... it was not cool, especially ...because... I like you." I sighed.

"I know."

I looked at Liz in shock, "Y-you do?"

"You're very easy to read. But I-uh like you too Peter." she chuckled.

Liz is pretty good at this.

I took a deep breath in and out, "I guess you already have a date to homecoming?" Peter asked.

"Actually no, I was too busy with other things, I never really got around to that part, so..."

"Do you want to go with me?" I asked quickly.

"Yeah sure."

I nodded, "Cool. Thanks."

"I-it was good Peter but you did talk a bit too fast..." Liz pointed out.

"O-oh? I did?"

"Y-yeah when you were asking her out. Like that's the most important part." Liz chuckled.

"Oh.. Right. I'm just not confident enough." I answered, my hands were getting sweaty.

"No! No you are! You're good! You just need to slow down on that part. Just a little..." Liz recommended.

"Thanks Liz..." I replied

"Anytime." she grinned.

'"I-uh have detention so I got to go..."

"Wait what do you have detention for again?" Liz chuckled.

"I tried to get out of a Spanish Quiz..." I mumbled.

"Right. Well-uh have fun, I guess. Byeee." Liz replied and headed towards the hallway.


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