five- lab partners

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Chemistry Class

"So welcome Sophomores, we will be taking Chemistry seriously this year. So we will be starting Chemistry earnestly from this moment onwards. I have print outs of our plan for Chemistry so I will be handing them out to you now." Mr Cobbwell said while handing them out one by one.

"Alright so in Chemistry, theres a lot of note taking, experiments and assignments."

Groans filled the room. "And you cannot do it all by yourself as it is a lot of work. So we have lab partners." Mr Cobbwell introduced.

"The previous years the school had let people choose their own partners but it did not work out since the results did not come out as well as we thought it would so, this year I chosen your partners myself."

Another wave of groans filled the classroom.

"Uh uh! I have used this random generator online to choose the partners just so you know these are very random and I'm not being unfair okay? The partners that you will be assigned to will be your lab partners for the rest of the chemistry topic. But I will be also talking with your Biology and Physics teacher about the partners so don't try to get out of this."

Another wave of groans filled the classroom.

"Hey. I want you guys to be more comfortable with working with new people. Make new friend!" He said while doing jazz hands, trying to lighten up the mood. Which didn't work.

"Okay. I will now call out the names of the partners so everyone bear with me."

"Flash, you're with Abe."

"Yay, at least I'm with a smart dude." Flash exclaimed while moving towards where Abe was sitting at. Abe looked disappointed.

"Sally, you're with Sue." Sally moved to where Sue was sitting at.


I could hear Ned saying, "Please please, with Peter, with Peter."

"You're with Betty."

"Aww." Said Betty and Ned. "I wanted to do it with youuu." Betty pouted. "Me tooo." I pouted back and Ned came towards us and I stood up and he sat where I was sitting.


"Yes?" I replied while looking up.

"You're with Peter."

Peter Parker. Great. I mean he's not that bad...

Ned must of saw my expression, he smiled and said "Hey at least you have someone you know."

"Duh, they're in the same class. They do know each other." Betty replied. I laughed and Ned just shrugged.

I went towards where Peter was sitting and he looked up and gave a slight smile. "Hey."

"Hi." I answered while sitting down next to him.

"Are you good with Chemistry?" I asked him.

"Well- I- I understand it but I'm not sure if I'm good. I will have to see..." He chuckled nervously. "Oh-right, same with me." I smiled awkwardly.

"Cindy, you're with Jason."

"MJ, you're with Charles."

"Amy, you're with Jacob."

"Zach, you're with Hannah."

"Bella, you're with Chris"

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