nine- the spiderman

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I froze. I can feel someone else behind me. Taking a deep breath, I slowly turned around. It was dark so I couldn't see very clearly but I saw this black figure looking right at me. It was a male. He was tall, quite tall. He had a black hoodie with jeans and had the most creepiest smile on his face.

"I want it that way? You like that song? It's my favorite song too. You have a good voice, I could get you a record contract if you like." He asked, his voice was deep and hoarsely. It didn't really sound like a grown up man's voice but maybe someone who's in their 20s-30s. My assumptions may be wrong at this stage cause I'm freaking out.

"I'm- I'm sorry? Do- Do I know you?" I asked, I probably didn't know him. I don't recognize him. I couldn't see his face properly. I knew he couldn't see me properly too because I was wearing a hat and a scarf.

"I don't know. Do you?" His face was covered with the hood of his hoodie but I could see his smirk. "Probably not. I better go." I said and started walking away. Suddenly, he grabbed my wrist, his grip was tight, very tight. I tried squirming away and trying to make him let go of me. "LET ME GO!" I yelled but since it's dark and everyone's at home I don't think anyone heard me.

Nevertheless I still shouted "SOMEONE HELP! LET ME GO!!"

"Just shut up will ya? I have good stuff in the future for you. You can become a singer and earn lots of money. You just need to come with me! I can make anything happen for you!" He whisper-shouted. "I DON'T CARE ABOUT MONEY OR BECOMING A SINGER" I yelled and he was dragging me towards this black van. "LET ME GO!"

"Just be quie—" his mouth was covered with cobwebs. I gasped, I looked around and no one was here. He looked at me and continued to drag me towards the car. "LET ME GO!" I shouted. I was terrified, this is it. I'm going to be kidnaped. Bye mom, bye Joey and Bye dad. I hope you guys will come and rescue me. Right as he was opening the door, another figure jumped on the of the car and asked "hey man, what are you doing to this young girl?" He jumped down and started shooting webs and fighting the man who tried to kidnap me.

I was too scared to do anything and closed my eyes and stood there, breathing in and out, in and out. "Ow." "Argh." "Grr." was all I could hear. I think the fighting proceeded for a couple of more minutes and there was silence. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that the man was stuck against his car with cobwebs all over him.

I couldn't believe this, I slowly went towards him to see what was going on. When another figure grabbed my hand, I screamed. "Miss, are you alright? Are you hurt?" I looked and saw this masked figure, I couldn't really see since it was dark but he had a red and blue suit and had a spider symbol on his chest. Spider-Man. The Spider-Man on the news. The Spider-Man from Youtube.

I stood there in shock, his hand was still grabbing my wrist. "Miss are you alright?" He asked again. "Ye-yes. I-Im fine. Thank you." I stuttered. He let go of wrist and sighed in relief. "That's good. Where's your home? I will walk with you so you can be safe."

Okay. Even though he literally saved my life a few minutes ago. He's someone I don't even know, he's a total stranger! I'm so not letting him to take me home.

"No thank you, I think I'll be fine. I'm sincerely grateful to you, thank you so much for saving me." I said, genuinely. "Hey, um no problem. Well, I guess you should get going now. Are you sure you don't want me to help you get home safely?" He asked me again.

"No I'll be fine. Thanks a lot, Spider-Man? You're name is Spider-Man right?"

"Yeah it actually is. Well alright, I hope you have a good night." He said. "You too." I slowly started walking then a heard a hiss from something. "Ahh!" I screamed, turns out it was just a cat. I looked back and saw Spider-Man still watching me.

I tried to remain calm and started walking down the alleyway. "Uh miss." I turned around and saw him running towards me "I saw what happened just then. You're a bit jumpy, I'll take you home."

"No I'm okay. Thank you though." I rejected.

"No I insist. It's my duty to keep the neighborhood safe." He said while standing in front of me and looking at me. I couldn't see his eyes but I did know for a fact that he was being sincere.

"W-well alright. Thank you so much." I said, while smiling.


After around 10 mins of walking with Spider-Man, I arrived at the bus stop.

"Uh. I can go alone from now. Um, thank you so much." I answered.

"Are you riding the bus?"

"Uh- yes..." I replied, unsurely.

"Miss, I don't think it's very safe for a young girl like you to be wandering at night. Let me take you home."

"Oh.. um its like a 20 minute walk though."

"It's okay."

I looked at him unsurely but replied, "Okay, thank you so much."

After around 20 minutes, I arrived at my apartment complex,

"This is me." I told him.

"Well, I hope you have a good night."

I thanked him , "Thank you so much for protecting me."

"No problem Miss. Have a good night."

"Yes I will, you too. And be safe, Mr Spider-Man." I said and he waved and shot his webs and was swinging across the buildings.

I couldn't believe what happened tonight. Everything was so bizarre and crazy. I nearly got kidnapped but got saved by the one and only Spider-Man. I'm not gonna tell my mom about what happened because she's gonna freak out and she's never gonna let me hang out after 7:00 PM!

Oh well...

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