thirty five- nerve

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School next week,

The school news was playing on the televisions in the hallway and that was literally the only thing people paid attention too.

Since Betty was the reporter for the school news alongside Jason, she decided to interview me for about what happened in Washington last weekend.

"This past weekend, Midtown's Academic Decathlon team defeated the country's best to win the national championship. Later that day, they also defeated death." Jason announced in the video.

" Explosion. Sally scream. Flash scream. Everybody screamin'." Abe yelled.

"There were purple lasers and smoke everywhere, It was... *beep!* ...just like a bon Jovi concert."

"As you know, we made it out alive, and that's the important thing. I couldn't bear to lose a student on a school trip. Not again." said Mr Harrington.

"I literally thought I was going to die but then Spiderman saved us all." I explained.

"Thankfully, no one was seriously injured, thanks to the Spider-Man."

"Thank you, Spider-Man." Betty and Jason commented.

"Up next: The Spider-Man mania is sweeping the school. How can you show your spider spirit?"

"Hey Liz and I are going to the mall after school, you wanna come?" Betty asked. We were in English class, listening to the top ten reasons why we should write an essay about Sound of Music by Miss Johnson.

"Oh sorry... I can't." I replied back trying to keep my focus on Miss Johnson not Betty.

"Why not?"

"I'm going to Peter's tonight."

Betty raised her eyebrows, "You've been hanging out with Peter a lot recently."

"Yeah that's because he's my lab partner and his aunt and my mom are the life long best friends." I pointed out.

"That's actually pretty crazy though. It's like fate."

"Not quite sure about that Betty—"

"Miss Y/N and Miss Betty. Would you like to share what you've been talking about or share what the last final reason is, which I just said a moment ago?" Miss Johnson called with disappointment shown on her face.

"Uh- yeah." I stammered, I looked at my notes and realised that I even though I was talking to Betty, I wrote the tenth reason.

10. It shows the themes of family relationships which the viewers can learn from.

"Uh- the tenth reason is that they show themes of family relationships which helps the viewers understand that family is important." I concluded.



My mom knocked, when we arrived at Peter's front door. We waited patiently.

"Coming!" May's voice called and seconds later the door opened. "Ahh, Rebecca, Y/N and Joey so happy that you all could come!"

"Thank you for inviting us!" My mom thanked as she embraced May.

"Thank you, May."

"Come in, come in." She gestured as all three of us entered. The apartment was very spacious with large windows with navy coloured windows. The grey, comfy looking couches were decorated with red patterned pillows and standard red shaded lamps were on either side of the couch, on top of wooden side tables.

"I hope you guys like Lasagne." May smiled. "Of course. Love it, here let me help you set up the table." My mom offered. The two of them headed off to the kitchen.

I took a look around the living room, not that I'm trying to snoop around or anything. I went over to the big, white book shelf filled with magazines and novels but there were also photos.I stared closely and realised most of them were baby pictures of Peter. I smiled, he was a cute boy.

"Hey Y/N." A voice spoke beside me, which startled me. I turned to see it was Peter.

"Hi Peter." I replied, Peter noticed that I was looking at his pictures. "You were a cute baby, Peter."

He chuckled, "Thanks."

"Woah... Peter do you like Lego too?" Joey's voice called from a room next door.

I frowned, he did not just walk into someone's room without permission.

"Oh ye-yeah." Peter answered while making his way to his room.

Peter's room was relatively clean although there were pieces of clothing slung over his top bunk with Chemistry text books and papers scattered along his desk.

"Wow, nice room." I nodded, looking around. I noticed that there were unfinished drawings on his desk underneath his chemistry text books. I swiped the Chemistry papers over to have a better look at them.

The top one was a drawing of the Brooklyn Bridge at sunset, I flipped through the others; Statue of liberty, the view of New York City but the last one caught my eye. It was very raw unfinished draft of a girl.

"You know you're a really good artist." I spoke, "H-Huh?" Peter's eyes met mine, he was shocked and hurried over to his desk and quickly collected his drawings and dumped them in the nearest drawer.

"Uh- th-thanks." He replied,nervously. "I-I don't really show people m-my drawings."

"Why?" I questioned.

"Because- um... they're n-not very good." he replied, grabbing his clothes and stuffing them in his closet.

"Just me Peter, they're like the best drawings of Brooklyn Bridge I've ever seen. I've always wanted to go to the park there—"

"Can I play with your lego, Peter?" Joey asked while trying to grab the boxes of lego that is on his top bunk.

"Yeah, sure Joey." Peter replied as he grabbed the box from the top bunk.

"Why do you even have a bunk bed." I asked while sitting down next to Joey.

"Oh because Ned always comes over so I guess it's like a backup?" He answered, unsurely.

"Right." I nodded. I opened my bag and pulled out the text books for Chemistry.

"Hey Peter."


"Since we have already met up today, should we just finish the rest today for our Chemistry assignment?"

"Ye-yeah sure. I've- uh have already started on page 8..."

"Even better." I formed a small smile.

"Y/N! Joey! Peter! Dinner's ready!" My mom shouted.


After dinner,


"Yeah?" I said as I was jotting down and mouthing the answers.

"Y-you know... If you want-" he stuttered. "Do you want to go to the-uh Brooklyn Bridge P-Park on Friday? Like if-if you don't... maybe-uh do you-"

I bit back a laugh, trying to hide a smile. "You serious? Yeah! Sure."

A slight smile formed around his mouth, "G-great."

"You know Nerve?"

"The movie?"

"Yeah, in the last scene ends with Vee and Ian at the Brooklyn Bridge Park and since then I've always wanted to visit and ride the carousel there."

Peter nodded, "Yeah, I've never ridden it so I-I guess we should?"


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