six- first assignment

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2 weeks later,


"Okay so I honestly think we could ace this assessment." Betty bragged. "Like Ned is smart and I'm smart... I'm pretty happy that we have the same lab partners for Biology, Physics and Chemistry...And get this Y/N, we've already completed the first two pages."

"Wow! That's great. Uh-well, Peter and I haven't started on it yet..." I mumbled.

Betty's mouth dropped open. "What?! You know it's due next week?"

"Yeah, but Mrs Warren literally gave it out 2 days ago."

"It's still due in a week and there's a lot of things you need to complete..."

"Yeah, I know its just- I haven't got the chance to talk about with him... That's all."

"Well you better start discussing about it because this is the first assessment for Physics this year right?" Liz asked.


"You need to have a good impression on the teachers that you are good at Physics, Chemistry and Biology." she continued.

"Yeah you're right. I'm going to talk about after lunch during Physics Class."

Liz and Betty smiled, "No pressure though, take your time."

Physics Class

"Hello everyone, I hope you all had a good lunch break. Okay, as you know I have given you the assessment on Monday and the school has decided to add a bit more to the assessment. We think that having 10 pages of answering questions and filling in the blanks would not be enough. It will not be up the national circularium. As Ohm's Law is very very very important in Physics. So I have a few more pages..." Mrs Warren said while handing out another booklet. But this one was thinner than the one she gave us on Monday.

"Thank you." I said when she handed the booklets to Peter and I. I gave one to Peter, "Thanks."

"So I expect the assessment to do handed in Next Friday which is the 8th of September. Today is Wednesday the 30th of August, so you will have approximately 10 days to complete the assessment. So if I were you, I would quickly get on with it."

Betty put her hand up. "Yes Betty?"

"Mrs Warren, Ned and I have already completed two of the pages for the assessment."

Mrs Warren looked at her, "Well- Wow! That is very good!" She applaud, "Class, this is how you should be getting on with your work."

Betty turned around and looked at me, happily. I smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

I turned to Peter who was sitting next to me. He was doodling, he always doodles and not really pay attention in class. He always draws like spiders and webs as well as notes on forces and gravity. It's kinda weird but I don't wanna judge him. "So um, Peter. Speaking of the assessment, when shall we meet up?" I whispered trying not to get caught by Mrs Warren.

He stopped drawing and looked up, "Well, we have our Academic Decathlon meeting today after school but I'm free tomorrow."

"Great. Do you perhaps wanna meet up at the school library at around 3:05 PM?"

"Sure. But I-uh, probably can't stay for very long. Cause I-umm, have the Stark-"

"Internship. Yeah I know."


"No! It's fine. It's very cool that you have that internship."

"Thanks—" He was cut off by Mrs Warren looking at us, "Mr Parker and Miss L/N, I'm am clearly aware that talking about other subjects that is not Physics related, in my class is highly forbidden." The whole class stopped what they were doing and all looked at us. Flash had a smirk on his face.

Mrs Warren continued, "Because it tells me and the class that, you two have not been paying attention..." She paused and looked at me while sniffing. "Miss Y/N I had high hopes for you." She sniffed, I stared at her in confusion.

"Mrs Warren, I think there was some um— misconception here. Peter and I were talking about the uh-assessment." I explained.

Mrs Warren raised her eyebrows. "Oh really?"

"Yes, her and I were dis-discussing when to meet up..." Peter added.

"As if Parker!" Flash exclaimed. "Mrs Warren, give them detention!"

What?! No way. Not detention! I've never gotten detention in my life!

"As you all are aware, I very much do not tolerate talking in my class. I'm afraid it will be lunch time detention."

She turned to Flash.

"Hahaha! Shame Parker! Wait- why are you looking at me?" Flash asked.

"You are talking in my class Mr Thompson. Unrelated to Physics." Mrs Warren explained impatiently.

"W-wait wait. N-no, I can't have lunch time detention tomorrow. I have my basketball training with my mates."

"Then would you like after school detention today and stay until 6:00 PM?"

"Uh-no. I have Academic Decathlon practices." He stopped, "Ugh, whatever I guess I'll take the lunch time detention."

"Cool, Principal Morita will be there to assist you for your detention tomorrow."

Flash sank down into his seat.

"That was a close one." Betty leaned back and whispered. I nodded quickly.


Hili! i hope you enjoyed this chapter! i just wanted to put this out there. this book is based in 2017 since that is when the spiderman homecoming movie came out but a lot of people say since this is 8 years after the Battle of New York, it should be based in 2020 but i joist wanted to keep it simple and just do 2017 so all the dates that i write in this book are actual 2017 dates.

just wanted to clarify,



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