nineteen- new student

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December 2017

It's been a few weeks now and nothing much as happened. Peter and I finished the Biology project and we got an A so I guess that's good, it was a very hard project because we had to do the starch test on all 10 leaves which took forever but luckily the school opened up some of the Biology classes so that students could use it after school.

English Class...

"Good morning class, so I know you all are aware that the English practice essay was due, not yesterday not tomorrow but today." Miss Johnson exclaimed. "So I hope all 33 of you have something to hand in today."

I pulled out my practice essay from my binder, I've already finished my practice essay last week so I was pretty on track.

"Did you finish?" Betty whispered, pulling out her piece of paper.

"Yep, did you?" I asked, quietly.

"Ya, what did you write about?"

"Me before you."

Betty nodded, "I know that book. It's pretty good."

I agreed, "What book/movie did you do?"

"Fault in our stars."

"Oh that's a wonderful book." I replied. Betty nodded tremendously, "Yep, Yep, Yep."

We were distracted by Miss Johnson's loud voice.

"Okay! Up, up you get and come give me what you've done."

"Abe come up." Abe stood up and handed her his essay.

"Good job, next Sally."

Sally did the same.

"Thank you, next is Michelle."

"It's MJ..." said MJ while giving Miss Johnson her essay.

"Oh sorry my bad, MJ and thank you for handing it in."


I stood up and gave her my piece of essay.

"Good job, Y/N."


"Here miss." Sue said handing in essay in.

"Good work Sue. Next, Peter."

Peter stood up and gave his sheet of paper to her.

"Excellent, thank you. Miss Betty?"

"Here you go." Betty replied, placing her essay on Miss Johnson's desk.

"Thank you Betty."

Soon all 32 students handed their essays in.

"Thank you to all thirty two students who handed their essays." Miss Johnson looked at Flash, "I will expect for your essay tomorrow Mr Thompson."

"Yes, I swear Miss." Flash replied, nodding.

"Thank you. I'll be sure to get these marked before end of next week but make sure to keep practicing for your end of semester exams which will be in February."

The class groaned.

Some voices called out, "I hate exams."

"Me too."

"Like who cares about English."

"I know right!"

Chemistry class...

"Okay class, since we are nearly at the end of our topic on acids/bases and periodic table, I want you all to do an assignment on what you've learned in the past months. This assignment has two parts to it, and the rest of the part will be assessed in early February." Said Mr Cobbwell.

Everyone in the class groaned.

"Mister, do we seriously have to do this project?" Flash argued. "Yes Flash, it's the only way to see if you've been paying attention to this topic, apart from the final exam we will have in 3 weeks time. Which will be after the Christmas Break."

"Ugh, do I have to do it by myself?" Flash asked then added quietly, "cause I was not paying any attention so I have no clue on acids and bases."

I could hear him as he sits quite closely to where Betty and I usually sit. Betty just rolled her eyes at him, looking annoyed.

"No, you will do this project in pairs. With your lab partners."

The whole class looked relieved and Betty leaned over and whispered "Should we help each other out?"

"Sure, why not." I replied.

"As this is a formal and important assignment, I expect that you will share information with your lab partner only. Because that was the rule I have told you lot in the beginning of the year, Miss Brant and Miss L/N." He said, looking at us while raising his eyebrows.

"Sorry sir." Betty replied. "How did he even hear me?" She questioned.

"I have no clue." I quietly laughed.

"Alright so everyone I hope you still remember who your lab partners are because you will be relying on them a lot for this assignment."

And Mr Cobbwell kept calling out the rest of the class until everyone had partners.

"Alright guys, that's it for the partners. I hope everyone is alright with the partner that you're assigned to. The due date for the—" and he was cut off by Principal Mortia.

"Hi Mr Cobbwell, we have a new student attending this class from now." He looked back and gestured the student to come.

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