Fun In The Sun..

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Hey lovelies! Another chapter woop woop 2 today sorry i have been slack but I had to go out with the muzer.... That's alright i will get onto some more updates tonight! <3 thanks for all you're comments and votes really does make my day! Hope you are having a great day or night! It's like 7.46 over here right now... But anywho enjoy! Comment vote fan go listen to Chasing The Sun! The wanted are just like sex... putting it out there xx

Zayn POV

Harry and Lou finally came out. “Don’t forget to lock the door” I yelled. We all got into one of Liam’s sisters old vans that would actually fit all of us in. We headed on the road and the weather is fantastic with the sun out and it’s really hot. I admit I am excited to see Perrie in her bikini I bet she will look hot. I wonder what Harry will think? I hope he doesn’t go back to women him and Lou are like the cutest couple even cuter than Liam and Niall.

Liam and Niall are taking up the front seats leaving Perrie and I to the middle and the two troublesome boys in the back. “Turn it up Niall” we all bopped along to Chasing The Sun The Wanted’s new song. It is quite a good jam and we all sung along well we attempted to I don’t think any of us actually know the lyrics. “You’ll find us chasing the sun” Harry sung really loudly followed by Lou. I just laughed and looked at Harry who was cracking up, Him and Lou are just like hyperactive children.

“Lying here staring up at you’re lovely face” Lou that’s not how it goes Niall was channelling in on Lou. “Hey do I look like I give a shit?” “I got your ass” “hehehe ouch Lou not in the car” Harry was giggling like a girl. “Shut it you two please I am trying to drive” “Sorry that was rude Harry,Louis please I am trying to drive please tone it down a bit” niall looked at Liam. “How are you so nice?” “Oii You shower of cunts shut the hell up” I cracked up “Niall, what the hell was that?” Perrie smiled at Niall “Sorry perrie forgot there were clean ears”

Louis POV

Harry is being such a little seedy man. He is like turning me on then turning me off by doing all kinds of random acts. “Haz what the hell?” at this stage harry is pretending to be a cat looking out the window…. “Were here Haz, Wooohooo” “Children please remain seated until the car is stationairy” “Stuff that Li” I jumped out the back landing face first in the sand. “Bahahahaha” Harry jumped out and laughed at me while I am spitting sand out of my mouth and out from my shirt.

I grabbed harry’s hand we stripped off our shirts shoes socks ect… and ran into the water. “Boys please” Liam was behind us picking up all our belongings. Harry and I splashed in the waves, “Come get me you beast” I was attempting to swim away from Harry but I felt his fingers wrap around my shorts and I got pulled backwards towards Harry. “Dammit” he  pulled me into him and smiled. I smirked and leaned in to kiss him and felt his fingers release on my shorts. “Gotcha” he leaned in and I splashed him and swam away.

Harry POV

“Boooooo” I swam after him the cheeky bugger. I pulled my head out of the water and I couldn’t see Lou anymore. I felt two arms wrap around my waist. “Don’t get too worried” I pulled him in for a kiss, it was weird and all salty, his tongue danced with mine as my body melted into his. His hands were playing with my hair and my hands were exploring his back and I squeezed his ass. “Harry” he growled. I just smirked and looked to the beach where Liam had set up the picnic blanket and basket and an umbrella where Zayn and Perrie were lying getting a tan staring at each other.

“Come on Niam” “What?” “Huh who you calling?” I laughed “Niam get it your names combined” I gave Lou a hi five. Liam and Niall linked hands and headed towards the water, “Woo finally” Lou and I swam over to them. “Let’s goo” we grabbed their hands and all swam out. Before I knew it I got side tracked looking in Louis big blue eyes and I turned around to see Niam in a snogg session. “Guys really?” Niall pulled back “Hey we see you two doing it enough” Lou and I just shrugged. I felt this sudden urge to just surprise Lou. I went underwater and I yanked Lou’s pants down. I started laughing and was in taking way to much salt water I came up huffing and wheezing. “Harry Fucking Styles, You little Carrot muncher what are you thinking!” I still carried on choking and then he started to pat me on the back… “harry was that necessary I know you want to see my junk but I mean in the salt water don’t think it’s the right place, Don’t die I me I’m still a virgin”

Niall and Liam looked flabbergasted and confused at the rufus Lou and I were kicking up. I regained myself and just started Laughing at Lou. “Daym Lou there will be sand up your crack yum yum” he just looked annoyed. “I will get you styles” I took that as I time to run, well in this case swim. I was doing doggie paddle as it was the only thing I was thinking at this time. I got out and started running but everyone knows running in the water is impossible so I ran up to where Perrie and Zayn where. “Oii get out Harry you’re dripping and sand’s flying at us” Zayn growled so I kept running up to the bank and I heard Zayn swearing at Lou for kicking sand in his face.

I then felt the full force as Lou had jumped on me weighing me down I was laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe. “Boo off can’t brreeathe” I stumped and he shifted his weight slightly. “that was inappropriate behaviour before Harry” “Oh stop you sound like my mother” He was trying to be serious but there isn’t a serious bone in his body. “if you wanted my pants off you could have asked” He put his fingers around the band line. “Na uh ah you have to earn it” He latched his lips to mine and I rolled off him and he rolled on top of me so we were making out in the sand.

Louis POV

I still have to get him back so while he is melting into the kiss I grabbed some sand and wiped it on his face. “haha gotcha” 

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