Bring It On Suckass..

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HELLO AGAIN! <3 Here is the next chapter and it sucks :( soo annoyed so i hope you bare with me on this chapter! I promise i will write some great ones and upload tomorrow I PROMISE but i love you loads if you stick with me! So go watch the Pepsi Commertial because it is Amazayn and please leave me a comment even if you say its crap i ain't going to have a rage or anything and vote and fan not that this chapter deserves votes but thankyou and Enjoy! xx

Niall POV

Dinner was fantastic, I won’t lie Harry’s sister is creepy. The way she hits on Lou its annoying to watch and every time his reply is Gemma I don’t want too I’m gay with your brother. She just says she could change that and what not and it’s like girl get a life. I forgot to say earlier we got a call from our new managers saying they have sorted it so we aren’t going to school tomorrow we are going to record what makes you beautiful so that’s cool. Yuss no school, Bring on the recording suckass I can’t wait.

All the boys departed with their familes “Bye Mum, I am going to miss you” I gave mum a long embrace. “You have your amazing boyfriend don’t forget that” I smiled “Course I do” I cried as mum left but I felt two warm hands wrap around me from behind. “It’s alright Ni we could go visit your family one day” “You are the most amazing boyfriend” I grabbed his hand as we started the stroll home. We reached his place in decent time we got into our PJ’s and headed to bed. We started snuggling and I fell asleep literally instantly.

Harry POV

I woke up because I felt someone tickling my nose, “Morning Boo” I opened my eyes to his face like literally on mine. “Morning Haz, you ready to go recording?” “Nope” I got up anyway and we got into some casual stuff for the day ahead. We headed down stairs and grabbed some fruit. “Good luck today boys” “Thanks mum” we headed out and met up with the other 3 we were taking Liam’s sisters car to the studio. Lou and I jumped into the middle seat next to Zayn. “Hey boys” zayn smiled at us. “Hey zayn”

Liam cranked up the music and we sang along to some Justin Bieber and The Wanted. We arrived at the studio and opened the door this was so unreal we are about to go record our own songs in this big studio and have things done. I can’t wait, “I’m soo excited Haz” “I know me too!” We headed up the stairs and met the whole Modest Management team. “Hello boys” “Hello” we introduced ourselves to them all.

“So today we will be recording What Makes You Beautiful if that is alright with you boys?” “Sounds great” They gave us some instructions and we are now positioned in front of microphones and there is a nice man playing the guitar and we started to sing along.

[Liam]You're insecure,

Don't know what for,

You're turning heads when you walk through the door,

Don't need make-up,To cover up,

Being the way that you are is enough,


[Harry]Everyone else in the room can see it,

Everyone else but you,


[All]Baby you light up my world like nobody else

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,

You don't know,Oh oh,You don't know you're beautiful,

If only you saw what I can see,

You'll understand why I want you so desperately,

Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,

You don't know,Oh oh,You don't know you're beautiful,

Oh oh,That's what makes you beautiful

[Zayn But In This Case Niall]So c-come on,

You got it wrong,To prove I'm right,I put it in a song

,I don't know why,You're being shy,

And turn away when I look into your eye eye eyes,                          

[Harry]Everyone else in the room can see it,

Everyone else but you

[All]Baby you light up my world like nobody else

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,

You don't know,Oh oh,You don't know you're beautiful,

If only you saw what I can see,

You'll understand why I want you so desperately,

Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,

You don't know,Oh oh,You don't know you're beautiful,

Oh oh,That's what makes you beautiful

We all cheered and watched while they had I learned one of the boys names Josh the drummer and they worked on the soundtrack. We heard ourselves singing and cringed at our voices but it actually sounded really good. I am really excited for the final product, they gave us a few outfits and took some photo’s for the single cover so that was pretty cool and Louis looks sexy as always but the depressing thing was they wouldn’t let me stand next to Lou all the time but it doesn’t matter to much as everyone here is a bestie.

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