The Aftermath and The Embarrassment..

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Hey guys sorry short chappie for now! Will get onto more of them later got a few things to do so hopefully the next one will be up within the hour! So enjoy and please leave a comment or vote thanks lovlies xx

Harry POV

We are all staying round at Li’s tonight because woop woop it’s Friday, we have ordered Pizza’s and are just chilling on the couches. “This is going to be awesome with you her Perrie” “Thanks so much for letting me stay” “I can snuggle with my Per tonight and not watch these gay couples get up close and personal” we all rang our parents to tell them about the video but right now Zayn,Liam and My parents are out at dinner and Liam’s parents said they would be coming back Sunday to let us have a relaxing weekend together.

“Anyone up for a game of truth or dare?” “I’m in Zayn” “Me too” everyone decided it was a great way to waste time while waiting for food. “Alright Perrie truth or dare?” I asked, “Truth” “All right Perrie Winkles” I thought up a good one. “What is the furtherest you have been with a guy and who?” “That’s two questions” “ANSWER IT” Lou yelled. She was blushing like crazy and Zayn was looking out the window. Great this is what I want… “I have given a blow job” “OOOh are you good?” Lou asked. “Hey Boo” “I was just asking but no one could be as good as you” “EEEEEEEWWWW” I looked over to see Liam and Niall cringing “I haven’t given Louis a BJ so don’t worry everyone”

“Thank food” “Nialler seriously?” “Sorry Li” “So Perrie Werrie who was it?” “ummm” “Spit it out child” Lou was saying and spraying. “Boo stop spitting” “I will spppisht when I wanst and wheers I want” he was doing his best to say that and spit at the same time. I cleared my face “Soo Perrie” “It was Zayn…” “Hi FIVE!” lou gave zayn a hi five and Zayn was blushing like mad and avoiding everyone. “Don’t be embarrassed Zayn honestly you’re not 12 anymore” “I thought I was Haz” Lou spoke. “Boo I’m not talking to you!”

Louis POV

I am loving pissing Haz off he just get so frustrated and it cracks me up. “Louis truth or dare” Perrie asked me. “Dare” “I dare you to give Harry a lap dance” I chuckled “Yay I like this one” “No Perrie please” Harry was cringing this, it’s his fault he gets turned on so easy. I placed myself in his lap and turned on the sexy switch I began working my way around fiddling with his girls teasing him with my kisses and then I felt him go rock hard underneath me. “Boo can you please just stay sitting there?” “Why to cover your Boner?” “Harry’s got a boner” Niall began singing along with the others “Harry has a boner and he looks like a stoner” “what the hell guys please” I decided to stay on his lap just to stop him from being so embarrassed.

“Alright Liam truth or dare?” “Dare Lou” “I dare you to turn Niall on” “Un fair” I heard complaints being yelled from both of them. Zayn spoke “This is like let’s turn on your partner truth or dare” We all laughed as Niall worked his magic on Liam and Liam was doing his best until Niall really did it and Liam let out the loudest moan. “Oh Shit NIALL STOP IT” Liam started yelling. “Haz your moan is sexier” he smiled “Good I want to use it tonight” I gave him a peck on the lips. I like his planning, Perrie is pretty up front, “Zayn I think you and Liam are tied for who has the better moan” they both blushed like crazy and Perrie just chuckled to herself. This was one intense game, Liam was about to get Zayn when the doorbell rang. “PIZZZZA” Niall ran off and Liam waddled to the bathroom covering is very obvious boner. Perrie and zayn grabbed seats on the couch and I attached my lips to Harry this is going to be one fun night.

The Exchange (Larry Stylinson & Niam Horayne)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن