You Have Got To Be Kidding Me..

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Hello everyone this is my last update have to catch up on some Vampire Diaries! I apologise and will do my best to update tomorrow! thanks for reading and all that would love some comments or votes or even some more fans but you know only if you want to! So go enjoy your day or night sorry this chapter went on a downward spiral as i couldn't think of things to write! <3 I apologise! xx

Harry POV

Finally we finished the hipster scene but Lou is such a shitty driver nearly drove us of the bank nearly drove us into a cliff got pulled over by the police not once but twice. He is such an egg, or carrot as he calls himself, “Freak” we are walking down the beach singing our hearts out but we get told even though we are singing the song will be played over the top. It is so much fun but there is sand filling my shoes my pants and it is getting everywhere.

“Alright boys we need to film your scenes with just your facials” Liam goes and I don’t know how he does it behind the camera Niall is mouthing Li’s a sexy beast and hip thrusting all over the show we have had to pause so many times because Li cannot stay serious. “Niall Horan, Harry take him over and side track him” I had to lead Niall kicking and screaming over and give him a packet of chips to stop him annoying Liam. It was my turn and I was told to be camera flirty easy pretend the camera lens is Lou. “Harry stop winking” I was cracking up I must wink at Boo a lot then.

Zayn POV

Finally it came my scene and I thoroughly enjoyed it, I could see my reflection in the camera my hair looks perfect score. I mouthed the words being extra gorgeous I think I should print some of these pics and cover my wall good I like that idea. “Boys we need you to start down there and walk bounce and be interesting all the way along in front of the camera” We all walked down being sensible and started to head towards them and then it struck.

Harry threw sand in Lou’s face and then Lou pushed Harry to the ground and they are covered in sand. “Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson quick we need a stylist down there” they got changed and all I can hear is… “Louis look at your ass in those Calvin Kleins” “Hazza look at your chest I wanna get up on that body mmhmm” The producers are looking well and truly creeped out and surprisingly that is the weirdest and scariest thing I have heard them say… I look at Liam and Niall and we all just shrug and look puzzled.

Niall POV

We are now filming in the water and everyone has no shirts on I decide I want to take mine off. I ripped mine off, “Niall Noooo” I then realised why Liam was cringing I forgot about his love marks. “Sexy Niam time you get in there Niall” lou was yelling. Harry jumped over and bit Lou’s neck. “Liam did you give those to Niall?” Zayn asked. “I did” Lou winked being seedy. Liam started blushing, “no I didn’t” “Boys we are still filming cut it out quick we need some pale skin coloured foundation to cover those” some man yelled. “I bet Liam is good in the bedroom” Harry and Lou were talking.

“I’m right here you know” “He is super like you wouldn’t imagine” “NIALL I AM RIGHT HERE” liam yelled and we all cracked up and cracked jokes at liam poor thing was blushing like mad. The producers got really frustrated. We then moved to filming on the railing of the house and it was going smoothly until…. Lou pushed Harry off and he went head first into the sand. He groaned when he hit the groan “Harry shit are you ok?” Liam rushed down. “I’m fine bloody Boo” he rushed up and pushed Boo off and then everyone else including liam so they were a heap on the ground laughing and then he picked me up and chucked me over the side. “Hazza is da king of the mountain” “What the hell Haz, that is best suited to Lou” “Who said that” he yelled and we all just cracked up. “EGG” he ran down and started tickling us all. “You lot are pathetic to work with” the producers were all laughing at us sitting on the ground. “There is never a dull moment with One Direction” 

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