Dinner Fun..

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HEY ALL SORRY went to update and Wattpad was down gasp I know and I was sooo annoyed I wrote 3 updates in a rush and then I couldn't even upload so they are up this morning if you are reading The Uni Students and or The History Teacher! I hope you may go give them a read they are my little stories on the side of this amazing one which you are all being to kind in reading I love you all and I will get this chappie written! xxx

Perrie POV

I finally get to go out for a one on one date with Zayn and it was lovely. we sat by the window and ate our dinners sharing memories as it is our 1 and 3 week anniversary. We watched the rain falling against the window and it really was romantic with the candle lit table he really knows how to treat a lady.

we finished our dinner and Zayn paid the true gentlemen. Thank god he brought an umbrella which we both tucked under. What I found cute was he held my waist and kept me dry under his umbrella. "Thanks for coming to dinner with me today babe" "Aww Zayn it was amazing" I turned around to face him and gently placed my lips on his. My lips really wanted to have his lips on mine and which when they were attached my lips moved in rough motion. 

He gave my tongue entrance as they danced together. This is what I really miss, him being famous and out recording all the time i miss our kisses and our late night convos cuddling in bed with the boys all round. I miss hanging with my best friends. We walked hand in hand over to the park around from our place. we took a seat on the bench under the trees with our asses going to be a tad wet but you know what who cares. I was about to sit when Zayn pulled me onto his lap.

"Better me having a wet ass than you." "No i'm too heavy Zayn" I got up to move but he pulled me back down and gently placed his lips on mine. "I missed you Per" "Aww i missed you too hun" I couldn't help but smile. He was being so romantic and I couldn't have had a better night with him and this is so special because we haven't really had alot of time for our own dates and he has made this perfect.

Harry POV

Cooking in the kitchen with Louis. As you guessed it there is food everywhere we may have had a slight food fight? ok it was a full scale one. he chucked the avocado at me not the other way around. "Come on Lou help me clean up then we can go have showers" "I will only help clean up if we shower together?" "Boo do we ever shower any different" I winked at him and ruffled his hair that had obviously half the kitchen food supply oozing out of it.  shook my hand to the ground mmhmm that is tasty stuff. He just laughed, "Sorry Haz I thought it would turn you on" "of course you did" we quickly got to work before Gemma and Mum got home. 

I don't think I could handle it if Gemma started hitting on Louis again and throwing herself at him while I have to clean up. "Put your back into it Boo" "Sorry I was too busy staring at your ass" I laughed. "If i didn't notice" after half an hour we finally got the place cleaned up but the bin is now filled with the contents of our food fight. I grabbed Lou's hand, "Come on babe shower time" 

The Exchange (Larry Stylinson & Niam Horayne)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora