Catching Up..

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Hey Guys! Sorry I have been really busy! I hope you could possibly check out my new Larry Stylinson story? Only if your bored and have nothing else to do but that would be really cool if you could! like a whopping 27 reads so far :/ Still reads is reads :) Thank you guys so much for reading this and getting me to 38,000 reads! i hope I can make it to 50,000 haha just planning ahead! This chappie is just another one of everyones POV's so you can see what they have been doing and thinking. <3 Thanks guys I love you and OMG have you all listened to Little Things! like inspirational! xxx

Harry POV

Louis is so cute I have absolutely loved the breakfast he set out for me, I feel like a lucky lucky boyfriend. I couldn't help but worry he had left me that morning, I keep having weird dreams and I wake up moaning and it's really awkward but thank god I haven't woken him up yet.... Well at least I don't think I have. We are back writing the rest of the album this afternoon, So far we have Gotta Be You,One Thing and What Makes you beautiful the next one which we have partly worked on is Everything About You which we are finishing this arvo hopefully management has gotten over their homophobia this afternoon. Paul has to pick us up now because if people see us they tend to go a little crazy.....

Louis POV

I loved every minute of making breakfast for Harry, he deserves that every morning. I know I don't deserve him but because he says I do I need to work hard for him. We haven't had sex or anything yet but hopefully one day soon? I can't really complain because his lips are hypnotizing enough. I loose all self control around him but it's alright we are finishing the album this afternoon so I will have too. Dammit I need to go the phone is ringing, "Get back here" Sorry just put it on speaker and Harry is calling me into the bedroom best be off ;)

Niall POV

Breakfast was amazing but you know Liam he's such a cheeky bugger running off on me like that. He's like a little chicken, Hang on I compared him to chicken. I can't compare anything to a chicken because I love to eat chicken and I don't think I really want to eat Liam or do I? Good question, even I don't know but to be honest he does taste good but if I eat him that means I would be eating the part of his body that releases his yummy taste god why am I thinking about this. Hmmm i really want chicken oooh I want nandos. I am going to go get some food TOOTLES!

Liam POV

I got Niall good as soon as his lips are attached to mine, I can literally do anything I could probably steal his food. I should try that next time but I don't want ittle bittle Nialler to cry so maybe I won't. I am right now positioned in the closet waiting to scare the shits out of him when he comes up but I have a feeling he has taken a trip to the kitchen. "Niall please don't eat all the food we need enough food to eat you know" I blew my cover but you know I did occasionally have a jacket fly into my mouth to go "eapht ou knawo" well thats what it sounded like. Oh well hopefully I got my point across.

Zayn POV

I am currently lying in Perries bed, we had a fun,wild exciting night. We didn't have sex but we did a few other things. I really missed her body against mine, We fit like a puzzle we are meant for each other it has been like more than 1 month, I have fallen head over heels for her well hell I need a parachute. Her beautiful blonde hair and her deep voices has my attention from as soon as she walks in the room. I have to be careful not to take her then and their to another world, HEY! that could be a song title or something you know show a sexual side ;) I shall go I am being summoned.

Perrie POV

Last night PHEW! I am still tired and hungry who would know physical boyfriend action gives you major food cravings. I am soo hungry right now, we were at it for a long long time but we didn't have the full shibang because we just weren't in a sexy mood you know. I love Zayn he pretends he's all gangster bad boy but he's like a big bunny and I have to take control in the bedroom funny enough. "Zaynie babes can we get some food?" "Sure I will go make us some you stay here" aww he is soo cute treats me like a princess. 

Management POV

Right today we have another song to finish and get this album rolling and we don't want any of this homophobic attention it drives us crazy. We don't want our fans dissing us because we signed a gay band. that would be embarrassing for us and we do our best to prevent it maybe we could think up something big to stop them? We will see.

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