Your Body Is Addictive..

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Your body is addictive you know you got me twisted... Haha Anyway! Hey everyone you know what I will start how amazing you guys are! Like seriously you leave me the most amazing comments and they just make my day and make me want to update! <3 I would really love to get more than 33,000 readers but thats what I have so you know I can only go up from here! hope you guys are having an amazing day/night you know you get my flow! So you all go enjoy wattpad please you know if you want to leave me a comment or vote or fan you know like 33,000 reads and like 120 fans OMG no way hahaha! :D Anyway xxx

Harry POV

We arrived back home, all of us back in our own homes thank god. "Hi mum" "Boys how was your day?" "Good good" "Thats good please don't stay up to late" I grabbed Louis hand and headed upstairs. We both got into my room and jumped on the bed.. "I am nakered" "Tell me about it" she smiled up at me. 

"Long day" I nodded as I slimmed down to my boxers and got into bed. "I am so tired" we both just got into bed and I cuddled up to Louis chest as he played with my curls. "I love you Hazza" "I love you too Boo" This felt perfect, this was more right than anything I have ever done in my life the boy I love with big blue eyes is cuddling me. I look into his eyes and I am captivated like lost at sea. 

Louis POV

I don't know but this is one of those things you dream of your whole life at night cuddling up to the one you love. It truly is the best feeling in the world, just playing with his hair and feeling his warmth against me is like heaven. The days working at management get longer and longer, and I run out of time to do stuff with Harry as we are just so tired. "Night Babe" "Night Boo" they way he says Boo is like this sexy husky way I love it.

I woke up to be still in a spooning position with Harry. I feel like doing something special for him so I decide to get up and grab one of his shirts and jeans with some chucks and get into his car with the music blearing. I pick up the pase as I race around the aisles of the supermarket. Grabbing strawberries pancake mixture some other bits and pieces and thankfully no one recognised me as I looked pretty much like road kill. I haven't done my hair and i just waltzed out without taking care of anything.

I get out of the car and head through the door before I know it I am falling backwards. "Boo you ok? where did you go?" "Hazz hey" he caught me before the shopping and I made an impact on the floor. "Sorry I just had no idea where you went and got worried" "Aww Haz don't every worry I wouldn't ever leave your side" "Really" he pouted looking adorable. "Really" I placed a gentle kiss on his lips before I headed over to the kitchen. 

"What are you up to Boo" just as I placed the groceries down his hands made their way around my waist wrapping me into him. He rested his head on my shoulder, "I was making a suprise" he bit my earlobe "A suprise for me?" "Well who else would I do something like this for?" he chuckled. "Now go back up to your room and don't come down until i say you can, go have a shower or something" "But Boo" "No buts Haz now shooo" i slapped his ass leaving me to make a special breakfast before heading to the studio late morning. 

Harry POV A/N just a quickie so I can get into what Louis is doing :)

I can't believe Boo is planning something for me, It feels so surreal spending a relaxing night cuddling up to my Boo my one and only Boo it just puts a smile on my face thinking about it. I love him with everything I am and I am never letting him go. I think I may go jump in the shower because if I don't i will sit around being impatient.

I can hear the stereo going downstairs so I decide to put my speakers on while I head in for a shower. If only Lou could be sharing this shower with me, "Wooo" I realised I was exposing a little problem just by thinking about that... This is crazy how much he gets me going.

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