The Truth Arises..

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Niall POV

We got home from the amazing date me and Liam just shared, it was so much fun! Best date of my life, I feel so at ease with Li he is the most amazing boyfriend I have ever had….well the only boyfriend I have ever had and I hope he’ll be the last!

We got home and settled down on the couch, I started to feel hungry.. well truth be told I never really stop being hungry, so I got up and ran to get some food from the fridge when I hear, “LEEYUM, NIALLER, were here to come join you” I grabbed my peanut butter and jelly sandwich and ran to the door, “Lou, Harold, Zaynie, how were your days? “Good, Lou pretended to shit on the floor in a clothes shop, it was hilarious” Harry laughed “Me and Per had a good day!” Zayn smiled. “That’s good well Liam took me on the most amazing date ever! We went to the park had a picnic and then we went zorbing and rock climbing and then to top it all off we went to nandos.” “WOW sounds like you two had the meanest time”

Liam POV

I looked over to Niall sharing our date with the others I hope he did actually enjoy it, I did my best but you know not a lot of things I do to my full potential blah blah. The other boys all dropped down on the couch. “Li, sounds like you set up an amazing day” Harry beamed at me. That set me at ease, “I did my best” Niall pulled me in from his position on the couch beside me. “That was the best date I have ever been on Li seriously I love you so much”

Before I could say anything or react I felt his soft lips connecting with mine, I closed my eyes and moved with his motion his lips were gentle but passionate at the same time he really is a great kisser. “Awww go Li go” I heard Lou yelling I pulled back and laughed. “Your such a creep Lou” “I know” he smirked and strolled off like some sassy girl. “I better go see what’s up his ass” Harry got up. Zayn whispered, “Probs your cock” Niall and I laughed. “I heard that” he yelled at us. Oops

Harry POV

I thought Lou enjoyed the date but I guess I will never know because ever since we got back he has just been a little on the weird side. I strolled up the stairs taking extra time, this was Liams house but I know it like the back of my hand. “BooBear where are you?” I headed into Liam’s room and he wasn’t there. Not in the spare room, “Boo please what have I done” I heard sobbing coming from the bathroom, I sat outside it. “boo please tell me what’s wrong” I just heard him sobbing, “Boo please let me in” he just carried on sobbing. “It’s open idiot”

I walked in and saw Lou pale and he had tear stains on his checks and all down his shirt I quickly pulled him to my side. “Boo shhh shh what’s wrong” “I’m not good enough for you” “What” I pushed him back so I could look into his eyes. “What are you on about?” “The way you communicated with those girls you are a ladies man, I’m just some high maintenance awkward wheel” “Boo we aren’t going through this again” “Harry it’s true I know you want to lose your virginity and you can’t with a boyfriend” “BooBear stop underestimating yourself I want to lose  my virginity to you, well you know guys can’t physically lose their virginity but you know what I mean” “But Harry” “No Boo I am putting my foot down I love you and only you, you are the only person I want to spend my life with please stop this it just breaks both our hearts” he nodded. I gently leaned in to place my nose on his. “BooBear will you please stay my boyfriend?” he smiled past his tears “of course” I gently placed my lips on his.

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