Chapter Seventy-Five: Three Years Ago

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To love a man is an impossibility. A sin. For a woman to love a man it means that they are degrading themselves. They are showing that they think that a woman is equal to him. To blatantly disregard the superiority of a woman is to betray womankind and the goddesses whom we worship is a crime in the natural laws. If a woman does not want to stand superior and powerful, then she shall not stand at all.

~Daughters of the Tainted Holy script.

Three Years Ago

I head straight to the bathing house and soak in the warm water. A little cloud of blood ripples in the water as I wash my face before it dissolves. I wince at the stinging before rubbing some red paste on my cuts. It will help with the swelling and take away some of the pain. I sigh and let the warm water ease some of my aches, taking in the sweet smell of the fragrances that have been added to the water. A mixture of floral scents mostly with a few little spices here and there. After about ten minutes, I remove the paste and leave the water. Quickly, I dry myself before rubbing some soft creams into my skin as I massage my muscles. I then sit down on a stool in front of the mirror and slowly brush my hair as it dries. When I am done with my little pamper, I change from the silky robe I was wearing and into a simple dress. A light creamy gold colour, it has a V-shaped neckline that comes down to midway down my sternum. The sleeves are loose and flowy as they hang around my arms. The material fits closely to my torso before a little belt around my waist separates the corset from the simple flowing skirt. There is no back to the dress either. Over the top of the creamy gold material of the dress, is a clear layer of shimmery material. Decorated with little beads of gold and pearls.  A slight train hangs on the floor at the bottom.

I smile when I look at myself in the mirror. I like this style. It isn't too tight and it doesn't get in the way. I can breathe and move easily in it. It also isn't as dramatic as some of the other numbers my father has me wear. I sigh and leave the bathing room. It is night time now and the corridors empty. I'm not sure what to do with my time. Not sure I want to go back to my room yet, I head to one of the balconies. Opening the doors, my skin is hit by a soft breeze. I smile and hug my arms close to my chest as I walk to the stone railing. The moon is high and the sky full of stars. In the distance, the flatlands sit. Expansive and almost endless. The mountains beyond look so small from here. Especially in the low light of night time. They are merely shadows.  

I wonder what is beyond them. What are the other cities like? What landscapes are there beyond the views from this castle. What comes after the flatlands really? I shake my head. What is the point of even imagining a world out of this city? This Castle even? I am going to spend the rest of my life trapped here. One way or another. My options are the Dulavelle crypts or on the arm of whoever my father chooses to become the King. Well, I guess both options end in the Dulavelle crypts. Though one comes quicker than the other.

"Princess." I jump and turn quickly. My fists clench when I see who it is.

"Councilman," I growl. It is councilman Flarain. Councilman of Healing and Medicine.

"It looks like you're hurt," he begins. I gulp and my lips dry.

"I am fine," I tell him. "You can leave me now." He lets out a low chuckle and steps out onto the balcony.

"Princess," he sighs. "I am here to help you," he tells me and I can smell the alcohol still on his breath. I take a step backwards and my back hits at the edge of the balcony railing. He grins wickedly and my hands begin to shake slightly.

"Councilman," I warn. "You are acting inappropriately," I tell him, my voice sounding cold and dangerous. He laughs.

"No, acting inappropriately is getting some savage scum to lecture me and your father on how to act in front of a woman," he growls and closes the distance between us. His body presses against mine as he grabs my arms. I glare at him.

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