Chapter Eighty-One: Three Years Ago

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A Blood Oath and a Blood Promise. Similar, but not the same. A Blood Oath is one way. It is a pledge of loyalty to another. A ruler, perhaps. A Blood Promise is usually one way. However, instead of pledging allegiance, a promise can be anything. There are times where a blood promise can work two ways. Where both parties make promises of equal values.  Both blood magic spells will leave tattoo-like marks on the skin of those who made the promise. They will be individual to whoever uses the spell.

Though the promises may be different, there will always be one certainty. Break a Blood Oath or Blood Promise, then the pretty tattoo will infect your blood and kill you.

By making using such magic, given to us by the gods, you are promising them that you'll keep your word. They do not tolerate liars or promise breakers.

~History of the Gods.

Three Years Ago:

I am sat playing with Razan on my bed when there is a knock on my door. The pup darts under the bed as I wrap a robe around my nightdress. Opening the door, I see a servent. He bows before handing me a letter. I take it and close the door. Walking back to my bed, Razan jumps out again and hops onto the bed next to me as I sit down. Quickly, I open the letter.

I am very sorry, but I cannot attend today's meeting. I have been taken ill during the night and will need the next few days to recover. I will have the paperwork you desire when I am able.

I am very sorry to cause such a delay in our negotiations.

~Councilman of The Treasury.

So the meetings aren't on for the next few days. What a surprise. He probably needs more time to find the right paperwork because he's not been doing his job properly. I sigh and throw the paper away into my bin. Another knock has Razan running under the bed again. Clever pup. I am smiling as I open it. 

"Good Morning, Father," I say as he walks in.

"You got the letter?" he asks.

"I did," I reply and he lets out an annoyed growl.

"We can't have the meetings without him," he sighs before muttering curse words under his breath.

"Don't worry," I say to my father. "Let's give all of them a week to get their shit sorted. It will make him sweat a bit and maybe even scare them into doing their job right in the first place," I say. My father grumbles and agreement and nods his head.

"I would like you to take some of the Lupine into the city today," he tells me. I raise my eyebrows in surprise.

"Really?" I ask. He nods his head.

"I want the Lupine to feel more accepted and welcome," he begins. "That way, they may not be so hostile in our meetings," he tells me as he paces the room. "What better way than to introduce them to the people?" he asks. I smile.

"So, the people will see us as the welcoming and tolerant leaders," I begin "and The Lupine will feel less like they are being hidden away like we are ashamed and embarrassed to have them in our home." He nods his head. "Very well," I sigh. "I will get dressed and find my sisters."

"I will get a guard ready to escort you," he tells me.

"No," I say. "Let the Lupine be our protection." He goes to say something but I stop him. "They aren't going to hurt us," I sigh, thinking father would have got that by now. "Just let them see that you trust them. It will help."

"Fine," he grumbles and walks out of my room. An excited smile fills my face as I rush to my wardrobe to get ready.

I wear a slightly less formal dress. It is deep red in colour to match the rubies on my tiara. It is almost casual. Just soft red material with loose off the shoulder straps and an almost sweetheart neckline. Tight around the torso with a ribbon belt around my waist to allow the skirts beneath to flow a little more. Not much, but enough to allow me to move easily. My hair is styled in its usual half up and half down look. I smile when I see my reflection.

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