Chapter Two The Human Caterpillar

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Hi ummmmm 😑. Thanks  for reading the story this far I never really expected to get more then seven views so thank you so much 😅
Oh ya enjoy the chapter
WHAT we're number twenty seven in legacy !!!!!!! Ok wow

"Sophie wake up or you are going to be late for school!" I heard Edaline call from downstairs waking me up from my dreams of unicorns and mallow melt. Or that is what i wanted to think  was  dreaming about. Knowing me though unless I and one of those magical pink elixirs i would be having nothing delightful at all in my subconscious.

I grumbled to my self  about the unfairness of the world from under my heap of covers, trying to disappear from existence. After walking around with Fitz all of yesterday then helping Grady with the animals in the evening I wasn't exactly enthusiastic to get up.

"Hmmmmmm," I groaned as I rolled out of my bed, blankets and all, making a loud thud sound as I hit the ground. The noise was loud enough to have Sandor opening my door, a questioning look on his face and a hand on the hot of his sword. He stopped short in the doorway when he looked down and saw me on the ground.

"Sophie are you alright?" He asked looking puzzled at the sight of caterpillar Sophie.

"Ya I'm not really a morning person," I said rolling towards my closet.

"I can see that," Sandor said slowly closing the door behind him.

I groaned again before breaking out of my cocoon of blankets, half heartedly shoving them on my bed, not bothering to make it. I then slipped on my cape and skirt for Foxfire. Vertina was squawking at me from the corner of my room as I brushed my teeth. Something about my hair and the audacity of a human I was. I was honestly too tired to care and ignored her, dragging my hairbrush through my rats nest of blond hair and tying it up in a ponytail turing to make it look a little decent for the day. I considered makeup to try and pull myself together a bit but ultimately turned it down. Vertina screeched more at that, and even Sandor gave me a question look as I headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Woah, what happened to you," Grady exclaimed looking up from his scroll as I dragged myself down the stairs and into the kitchen. My hair probably looked like a mess still, and as I looked down I also noticed I was still wearing my bright blue pyjama shirt, which did not go well with my fiery red level five Foxfire cape.

I gave a mumbled response not making eye contact and made my way past him and behind the counter to look for food.

"I'm not going to ask, but maybe consider changing your shirt before you go to school," Grady said before looking back at his scroll, chuckling at me slightly and I pretended to be offended.

I sadly looked through the cupboards Edaline usually made food for me and left it on the counter, as she knew how bad of a cook I was.This morning however I was sad to see that it was nowhere on the counter and begrudgingly tried to look for some easy food to make.

I ultimately couldn't find anything and Grady finally turned my attention back to the table where there was already breakfast. Guess I should have looked at the table after all.

"Thanks," I said grabbing a plate from the cabinet and scooped some food from the bowl in the middle of the table. It looked like lettuce leaves but they were all different colors and tasted like berries but with ten times the sugar. I silently munched as I watched the animals in the pasture grazing on the grass from out the window. 

After I finished eating and washing my plate I went back upstairs to my room, in hopes of fixing my hair a bit more and getting an actual shirt on.

"You should really do something different with your hair," Vertina said as I took out my ponytail and walked up to the mirror to brush my hair again.

"I'm trying ok," I said annoyingly as I pulled the brush through a massive tangle tangle on the side of my head.
Once I had gotten my hair straight I pulled part of the sides back and clasped it together with the teal and gold barrette Fitz had given me the previous afternoon. It shimmered in the light and I thought it would look nice, if anything it might draw attention away from everything else.

"That's better, the colour still clashes a bit but its doable,"Vertina said as I turned from side to side to looking at my work.

"Sophie, Foxfire starts in ten minutes I suggest you start heading to the leap master," Sandor called from behind my door.

"Coming," I called, picking up my books and shoving them into my already filled backpack. I then rushed out the door nearly running Sandor over and sprinted to the leap master. him following close behind

"Well someone had a little too much mallowmelt this morning," Dex said as
he leaned against the lockers, looking at me with a smile as I gasped for breath from running down the hallway. Marella was beside him, laughing slightly at my pitiful state.

The three of us had the same morning classes so they would often wait for me by my locker, as I was usually the one late

"Sorry I slept in," I responded between gasping breaths.

"You mean you slept in again." Marella said snickering slightly

"Don't be mean to me this early in the morning," I pouted as I shoved my books into my messy locker.

"What can I say its tradition."

We all laughed and Marella helped me adjust my cape as the first bell rang, signifying us to head to class.    

"Come on Sophie or we're going to be late for Elementism,"Dex said grabbing my hand as he pulled me down the hallways, Marella close behind. I then found myself yet again running, and cursed my never-ending bad luck.

Most of that is how I wake up in the morning and go to school. Does anyone else do the human caterpillar?

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