Chapter 13: A Day with the Fae

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Willow was positively giddy. Rayne had a few last minute tasks to attend to before ending her shift, which left Willow to hang out by the bar with Savio and Memphis. Savio could barely hold back a chuckle as Willow bounced her knee under the bar.

"I'm starting to think you're nervous or something." he teased.

"Just don't get mushy around here." Memphis stated, looking up from his newspaper, "We already have enough sappy personalities working here."

"We're- I'm not going to get 'mushy' or anything like that. It's just a... night hanging out is all." Willow replied, tucking one ankle behind the other in order to stop the bouncing.

"Yeah, right... And I'm Saint Mike." Memphis said with a devilish smirk before returning to his paper.

She was about to say something when she felt a tap on the top of her head. Turning around she spotted Rayne hovering over her.

Rayne grinned, "Sorry about the wait." She held up an umbrella, "We're supposed to get some snow and rain later, so I wanted to grab this really quick. All set?"

"Ready when you are." Willow smiled.

"Don't stay out too late. Have Willow back by midnight." Memphis teased.

"Since when did you become my dad?" Willow smirked at the Demon.

Memphis shuddered at the concept. Him? Have kids? Not happening. "On the other hand, stay out all night."


The place that Rayne brought Willow to was a cozy little comedy club a few blocks away from The Blue Shoes. It was a rather tiny building, enough to hold a small crowd of people. That night the main floor was packed wall to wall with people. The food was nice. Nothing overly fancy, just the usual bar food and drinks, but the atmosphere was amazing. It was cozy and it was friendly. Even when filled to the brim with people, it didn't feel claustrophobic.

Between acts, Rayne would strike up conversations about life and how school was treating Willow.

"So what made you go into carpentry in the first place?" Rayne asked, taking a bite of her onion ring.

"I always enjoyed working with my hands. I did well in woodshop in high school and thought it would be a great trade to know. After getting the course done and working for a bit, I figured I would go and get an engineering degree and start up my own business... Expand my skill set and such." Willow explained happily. "What about you? Why did you choose bartending?" she asked.

"I went into business and bartending so I could help out with the bar. Aunt Celeste has done so much for me, and The Blue Shoes is like my home... I figured I should do something for myself that would also help out my family here." She winked, "Plus I get to show off."

"Well, of course." Willow laughed softly. She glanced at the table for a moment before looking up again, "Mind if I ask? What was it like coming to... here?"

"Ah." Rayne said, chewing on another onion ring. "It was... interesting. It's nothing like back home. It's a lot... simpler here. It's quaint. There's no wild and exotic creatures and plants like back home... and even the technology is really different." She leaned back in her seat, "It took some adjusting, but I'm happy. I have my freedom, a career, good friends..."

"Do you miss it though?"

"Sometimes. Yeah. I go back every couple years to top up my magic." Rayne nodded, "What about you? You plan on sticking around Ottawa after your degree is done?"

Willow gave a slightly dry laugh, "Well... It gets me away from my home... Plus the big city is a great place to open a business." She tapped the edge of her glass, "I don't really have a reason to leave. I've got work, friends, and potential up here... My folks aren't all bad... But I do like the space and freedom."

"So they really don't know...?" Rayne trailed off as Willow stared into her glass.

"My brother is perfectly fine with it. Hell, he's known for a while. My parents though... They are harder to place. They are more on the traditional side. I brought it up to my mother a little bit ago and..." Willow's lips pressed into a firm line, "I don't know what she really thinks. She hasn't messaged me since."

Rayne carefully placed an arm over Willow's shoulder, "It's good that your brother is there for you. It helps... As for your parents?" Rayne was silent for a moment, "I would hope they would treat you well... If not... Well... Real family doesn't treat a loved one like shit just because they love someone of the same gender, or how they identify."

"Thanks, Rayne." Willow offered a small smile, "You really are incredible, you know that?"

The Fae shrugged and laughed, "Well... I just do the best I can and try to keep myself in good spirits."

"After all you've been through, I'd say you are really strong. No wonder Madame Celeste always looks so proud of you. You never fail to amaze." Willow smiled.

Rayne froze. Her eyes shifted slightly before she looked away, "Ah, damn..."

Willow jumped, "I- Sorry. I didn't mean to upset you-"

Rayne shook her head, "It's okay. Really." She brushed away a tear, "I'm just... not used to hearing that people are 'proud' of me. Aunt Celeste says it often, but she's family so... I just assume..."

"Well, I hope you can get used to hearing it, because I'm going to start saying it too." Willow stated assuredly.

"Pfft." Rayne rubbed Willow's arm, "Quit that."

"Quit what?"

"Being so damn sweet. You're giving me a toothache."

The pair looked up as the lights dimmed and a new comedian stepped onto the stage.

"We can continue this little debate after." Willow poked.

Rayne chuckled. "I look forward to it."

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