Chapter 22: Goodbye for now

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The instructions were simple. Rayne and Willow would wander down Main street. Savio would follow in the shadows with Memphis. As soon as the Hunters came into view, they would warn Rayne and Willow, who would then take a detour towards the Rideau Canal. The Canal was usually dark at night thanks to poor lighting. Plus the treeline helped obscure the view of those driving by on the adjacent streets.

If everything worked out, the Hunters would try to ambush Rayne and Willow. When that happened, Moira and Memphis would step in. At that point, Rayne, Willow and Savio would have to take cover.

It was simple... But very dangerous. Before they left the bar, Willow could have sworn she saw a glint of fear in Moira's eyes. The Faerest did not like the idea of using the younger Magicals as bait or pawns. Willow simply gave Moira a smile, telling her that she had faith in the psychic Fae and the Demon. That seemed to calm Moira slightly. The Faerest gave a small smile and a nod, promising that she would not let anything happen to them.

And then the game began.

Rayne and Willow walked casually down the street, turning onto Main and heading towards the outskirts of the downtown area. Every so often they would hear Savio's voice coming from the shadows. Memphis was nowhere to be seen, but neither Willow nor Rayne doubted that he was somewhere nearby.

They were a few blocks down Main when Savio's voice whispered for them to move to the Canal route. Rayne and Willow adjusted their path, idly talking about the calm weather and possibly skating the next day. As they turned off of Main, out of the corner of Willow's eye she spotted a small group of people in dark clothes wandering down Main. A cold shiver went up her spine, and she was certain it wasn't because of the winter wind.

Willow could hear Rayne's heart hammering in her chest. One Hunter was bad enough for them, but it looked like now they had three to deal with. Moira might have dispatched one Hunter easily, but they had no idea how she'd fair with three totally new ones.


Sure enough, Memphis and Moira had called it right... Though not in the exact way they had all hoped.

The Hunters had circled around, one in front of Willow and Rayne, and one behind them on the path. The third Hunter emerged from the shadows of the trees, tossing a rather fearful looking Savio towards his friends.

"How'd you see me?!" Savio cried out as Willow and Rayne caught him.

The third Hunter simply tapped the emblem he wore on his long coat, "It's amazing what you can see with a little help from a higher power."

"Wha... What? Are you some kind'a, I don't know, Jehovah's witness or something?" Willow spoke up, voice much shakier than she had hoped.

The Hunter in front of them pulled out a gun and aimed it at them, "Where's the other Fae?"

"What other Fae?" Rayne growled.

The Hunter behind them stormed forward, "No games! Tell us where she is. Now!"

Rayne leaned forward, voice seething, a sharp chime to their voice, "Fuck. You."

The second Hunter narrowed her eyes and raised a fist. She didn't get farther than that before one of the garbage cans on the edge of the canal was lifted up and hurled at her. There was a loud, echoing thud as the garbage can and Hunter were sent flying.

The remaining two Hunters spun around, searching for the one who'd thrown the garbage can. They didn't have to look far. Moira was walking towards them, coming up behind the rest of the group to where the second Hunter had stood. She moved so she was standing in front of the young Magicals and Willow.

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