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I was at another meeting with Jake. I was in a chair hiding in my legs listening to Jake talk about the village. "If you want to hit this thing, it's going to be complicated.Your scan doesn't show the internal structure.There's an outer row of columns,real heavy duty.
There's a secondary ring here,and an inner ring.There's a core structure like a spiral.That's how they move up and down.We're gonna need accurate
scans of every column." He explains. "Bella!" My dad yells making me flinch. "What else can you tell us about the structure?" He crosses his arms looking straight at me. I shrug my shoulders. He frowns at me and grips my wrist dragging me out. "Okay, I'm not taking your bullshit. I let you go for information and you haven't gave us shit since!" He yelled getting spit on me. "Get your shit together or I'm shipping you back to earth!" He threw me against a desk knocking off papers. Leaving me in tears.

"Where are we going?" Jake asked as we packed up the equipment. I'm smiled at him "Gettin out of Dodge." I kinda couldn't keep it a secret from Grace and had to tell her. After I did she came with the idea to leave here and head somewhere in Pandora. "I'm not about to let Selfridge and Quaritch micromanage this thing." She smiled at him then me. "There's a mobile link up as site 26, we can work at it, way up in the mountains." Norm got excited "The Hallelujah mountains?" Grace nodded "That's right." Then I also got excited "Are you serious?" I asked her. "Yeah.The legendary floating mountains of Pandora, heard of them?" Grace asked us.

We were on the plane heading over to camp. "We're getting close." Grace yelled over the loud helicopter. "Yeah, look at my instruments." Trudy smirked flying lower. "We're in the flux vortex.
VFR from here on. " Grace said making me frown. "What's VFR?" I asked her. "Means you got to see where you're going. You can't see anything. " Trudy smiled at me from the mirror " Egzactly.
Ain't that a bitch." As we got close we saw floating land. It was so beautiful. "Oh my God..." I whispered leaning out more to get a better look. "You should see your faces." Trudy laughed at us three. Grace just smiled at me like a proud mother did.

As we landed Trudy smiled "Thank you for flying Air Pandora." I giggled at her comment and got out. As we got in Grace. Turned the air off so I could get this awful mask off. I wasn't really a fan of them since they left a awful line around my face. "Welcome to the camp." Grace said throwing her bag on her bed. "This is my bunk." I yelled jumping on one closest to a view of outside. I got off my bed and walked around. I looked at the pictures on the fridge. There was ones of Me and students. There was even one of me and Tsu'tey. We were in a tree hanging upside down. I smiled at the memory of him.

"I bet you cant climb a tree." Tsu'tey smirked. I looked up the tall tree. "Yes I can." I said nervous. "I race you to the top and back." He said walking to the base of the tree. I walked slower and placed my hands on the base. He smiled at me. "Go!" He yelled climbing up fast. I reached for the first branch and then the second by the time he made it to the top i was only on the sixth branch. I reached for the next branch and heard a snap. Oh no! As it broke I fell down the tree. "Bella!" I heard from him and Grace. She must have been watching us climb. As I saw the bottom I closed my eyes. Then I opened my eyes and saw i was only a few feet from hitting the ground. When i looked to see what had my feet it was Tus'tey. He was hanging by his feet too. "Thank Ewya" he whispered. As I heard a click, we both looked at Grace with a camera. Tus'tey pulled me up so I could grab a branch and swing myself down. As soon as I touched the floor I hugged him. "Thank you" I whispered to him before hitting his shoulder. "Cone on. Let's head in" I shouted running back to the school.

"Bella!" Grace yelled. I looked over at her. "Sorry Grace" I sighed walking to her. " Its fine. This is your link" she patted it. I sat in it and look out. I missed being a kid and not knowing who anyone was....

For the next few weeks I was taking turns with Tus'tey and Izar. Today I had both. First was with Izar learning how to ride.
"Do not look in her eye." Izar patted the head. "Ikran is not horse." He walks to the head and feed her a treat. "When Sa'helu is made...Ikran will fly well." I watched him get on the flying animal. "Only one hunter in the whole life." He patted her head. "To become Aron'yu, hunter...You must choose your own
Ikran and he must choose you." I was super excited to have one of my own.
"When will I choose one?" I asked. He smiled a little. "When you are ready." He connected the bond and flew away. I watched him circle the sky. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to fly in the sky....

Jake and me were doing video logs and spending more time with the Navi. Grace made sure we were taking care of ourselves. Always bringing our food to us and making us shower. The language is a pain for Jake but I'm helping him along with Norm, who is a better teacher than me. Yesterday I learned to shoot a bow and arrow with Tus'tey and it was amazing.

"Put one hand here and the other here." He instructed placing my hands on the bow. His touch gentle and warm. "Now hold the arrow straight. " he moved away to look at my stance. He smiled at me. "Your hold is good. But you are too tense. Loosen up " Kinda hard to loosen up when you're watching me. I took a deep breath trying to loosen up. "Its better " he said and then turned to the target. "Shoot." He command. I look ahead and hoped for a center shot. As I let go of the arrow it missed hitting the floor. I sulked kinda embarrassed by my shot. "It was a good start Bella" I heard a hit of a chuckle. He put me back in position but helped me with the arrow. His breath hot against my neck. I couldn't help feeling butterflies in my stomach. "Release the arrow " he whispered to me. As we realised it he kissed me. And this time I let him missing his touch. I know it's wrong of me but I couldn't help it. He kissed me back but suddenly moved back. "Too public here." He smirked. As I came off my high from our kiss I realized I shot right on the center. "I did it!" I cheered doing a small dance. Behind me I heard laughter. I froze realizing I just embarrassed myself in front of Tus'tey. "Come on my bells. We have more arrows to shoot" he grinned handing me another one.

As we practiced with Jake, Me and Norm got irrigated with him. Norm called him a Scoun.It means moron. Which is true to what he is. A Moron.
Norm's attitude is improved lately towards Jake I noticed. "But it's not just I'm seeing you in front of me
I see into you..." Norm explained to him. I smiled at them watching Norm teach him.
Every day it's reading the trail,
track's of the wild home, tiniest scents and sounds. Izar and Tus'tey always going on about the flow of energy
the spirits of animals. I talked Moat into letting Grace into the village. She was so happy to see all the students she used to teach grown up. It was the first time since her school was closed down.
I'm trying to understand this deep connection the people have to the forest. Grace always talks about a network of energy. That flows through all living things. She says, all energy is only borrowed. And one day you
have to give it back.

Today I was with both of my teachers. Izar and Tus'tey. You could see the tension between them. We tracked the footprints when I saw a deer. I got down and amied my bow at the center. I took a deep breath and fired. As I hit the animal we rushed to its side. I took out my knife and stabbed right in the neck. "I hear you brother.And thank you. Your spirit will go to Eywa. And your body will remain to become a part of the People." I looked at them and watched as they looked at each other. "A clean kill." Izar spoke. "You are ready." Tus'tey smiled at me. "Learning to ride an Ikran,we call them Banshees,
is the test every young hunter has to pass. But to do that, you got to go
where the banshees are." I smiled at them both. Tomorrow was going to be awesome.

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