Chapter 5: Jailbreak

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A/N - Take a shot every time I wrote hand, hands. Enjoy the chapter :3

You trew the Ruby in a random cell and the Sapphire in another part of the ship, in case they would want to fuse again. You just trew the Pearl and the Runt next to each other, and walked to the control bridge. As you walked through the hallways you heard someone singing. *The Sapphire must've regenerate already* you thought to yourself. Suddenly The door you were about to enter opened as Peridot and Jasper walked through arguing. You followed them. "We can't leave yet!" Peridot sounded "The whole point of coming here was to check on the Cluster!" "Stop singing!!" Jasper yelled at Sapphire. "Rose quartz takes priority, get back to the control bridge and set a course for Homeworld!" Jasper ordered. You followed Jasper to a cell where Rose quartz was supposed to be Imprisoned. The cell was empty. "(g/t)! Where is she!!" She yelled at you. "I-i don't know Jasper, she must've escaped when I was throwing the Runt and the Pearl into their cells!" You said. Jasper signed "Fine I'll find her and you'll go protect the control bridge, so none of them get there" She ordered. "Yes Jasper" You saluted and ran quickly to the control bridge. You pulled out your weapon and stood on guard. As you were standing there ready, Rose, the Pearl and the Runt ran around the corner. They attacked you. You swung your (g/w) at them but missed. The Runts whip wrapped around your ankle and threw you into a cell with all her might. The bars turned on as you slowly loose consciousness.

As you gain consciousness, you realize that you are buried under some rubble. Luckily you could easily crawl out of it. You Saw Jasper and the Crystal gems looking at you, as you stood next to Jasper "J-Jasper what's going on?". Everyones attention went to the right (Left for the Crystal gems), seeing Lapis lazuli has survived the crash as well. She Imidietly wanted to fly away, but Jasper caught her by her ankle. " Come here brat" Jasper said "Aw don't fly off so soon". " Lapis!!" Rose Yelled. "Lapis, (g/t) listen. Fuse with me!" She said. "What?" You and Lapis said in union. "How long did they keep you trapped here on this miserable hunk of Rock?" Jasper continued "These gems they're traitors to their Homeworld. They kept you prisoner. They used you. This is our chance to take revenge! Come on. Just say yes!" You thought for a minute *Jasper? Breaking the diamond rule?* you asked yourself, than offered your hand to Jasper. "Lapis don't do it" Rose said. Lapis than offered her hand to Jasper as well. Jasper smiled and grabbed both of our hands. "Noooo" Rose yelled. Jasper twirled both of us around, as our gems started glowing. Jasper smiled evily at the Crystal gems before she fused with us. The fusion started growing and growing even bigger. Now all three of you formed
(f/n). She had four pairs of hands, two as legs. The other two conjoined ( you know like Smokey quartz had that one hand coming out of her elbow). Two pairs of eyes looking at the Crystal gems. Long white hair with occasional streakes of (h/c). The Fusion laughed stretching a hand toward the ocean.
A water hand rose up from the water. Suddenly the hand grabbed the fusions hand and wrapped around it to make a waterchain "Huh? What?". More chains wrapped around the fusions torso "Grahh" The fusion gasped. It struggled to get out of its grip. "What're you doing?" Jaspers? Voice asked. "I'm done being everyones prisoner. Now you're mine prisoners. And I'm never letting you go!! " Lapises voice sounded as two other water hands grabbed the fusion by her legs? (Hands?). The fusion yelled as it got pulled towards the ocean. Trying to unfuse to no luck. You must admit Lapis is strong. "Lapis!" Rose yelled again. "Let's stay on this miserable planet together!" Lapis yelled, before she sunk down into the sea.


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