Chapter 18: Raising the barn

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When you heard that Steven handed himself to Homeworld you were scared. Really scared. Scared to the point you almost disapated your form. Lapis was scared too. Peridot was trying to cheer you up by bending over backwards. It kind of cheered you up. Few days later Steven came back from Homeworld, by going through lions mane. You had no idea who or what lion is, but you were relieved that Steven was safe.

Peridot called Steven, with her 'tablet'. Lapis was sure he wouldn't pick up. You were just hoping he will.
He picked up. "Steven! It's us" Peridot said. "Oh, hi Peridot, hi Lapis and hi (g/t)" He said. "Don't forget Pumpkin!" You said and lifted pumpkin up so he could see her. "Hi Pumpkin" Steven said. "I told you he'd answer" Peridot said. "It's so good to see you!" Lapis said. "We're glad you're okay" You said. "Lapis was worried you lost your phone on Homeworld, but I said 'no way, he's probably just ignoring us!'" Peridot said. Steven blushed. "Sorry guys, there's been a lot going on" He said. "Like what?" You asked "tell us!" Peridot said."well Connie is really mad at me" He said. "No, no, no, no, no, tell us about space!" Peridot said. "And start from the beginning" Lapis added. "Eh, okay" He said. "I was trying to protect Beach City so I surrendered myself to Homeworld, and I was put in a big empty room an I ended up on trial in front of the Diamonds" He said. Your mouth was agape. "On trial?" You said. "What?" Peridot said. "In front of the diamonds?" Lapis asked and grabbed the tablet in her hands. "You were in front of Blue Diamond?" Lapis asked. "And Yellow, but it's okay, I escaped in a palanquin and went underground and-" He got cut off by Lapis. "You ran? From Blue and Yellow Diamond?" She asked. "Yes" He said. "Peridot, (g/t) we have to leave earth now" Lapis said and ended the call.

You were trying to convince Lapis to stay. "Wait, we can't leave" Peridot started. "What about all our crops?" You asked her. "Guys?" Steven said. "Ugh, the vegetables  will have to deal" Lapis said. "Okay, okay, were only half way through our rewatch of CPH season 4" Peridot said. "Well bring the box set with us" Lapis said. "But how are we gonna watch it with out the TV?" You asked. "Well bring the TV" Lapis answered again. "Uh, Lapis?" Steven said. "Huh?" Lapis lifted up her head. "Peridot? (G/t)?" He continued. You and Peridot turned around. "Steven, good let's go" Lapis said. "Wait what?" Steven said. "Well find some remote spot In the Universe where we can hide out in. The diamonds will never find us" Lapis said. "Lapis don't worry, they're looking for me on Homeworld, they don't know I'm here, we're safe" Steven said. "Yeah, come on we've gotten away with worse" You said. "They've never been able to hunt me down for my many crimes against them" Peridot added. "This is different, Steven is important and our transgressions are piling up, there going to take their anger out on this planet just like they did before" Lapis said. "I can't, I won't let myself get caught up in another war" She added and squeezed Peridots shoulder. Pumpkin was scared. "I don't want you to leave but I won't ask you guys to say if you don't feel safe, if you have to go, I understand" Steven said. "Right, Peridot, (g/t) if you want the TV levitate it over here" Lapis said. "Hey, um, What about our meep morphs we made" You asked. "We can't leave them behind" Period added. "We can bring them too" Lapis said. "But they're Instalsions, they need the context of the barn" You said. "I- if we move them they'll become performance pieces" Peridot said. "There's no need to get so emotional" Lapis said frustrated. "You're right" You said. "We're sorry" Peridot apologized. "It's okay, performance art isn't bad, it's misunderstood" Steven said. "Hmm, maybe I can do something" Lapis said. Lapis drained the smaller than average lake and lifted the barn using the water. "There now we can bring our whole life with us, you, (g/t), me and all of our things!" Lapis said. "Right" You said sadly. "Right" Peridot said. "Well let's get going" Lapis rushed. "You're leaving right now? I thought that. I- I don't know what to say" Steven said sadly and looked down. Lapis was sad as well, just like you and Peridot. Lapis hugged Steven who was crying. "Goodbye Steven" Lapis said. Steven sobbed. "Good luck" She added. "Peridot, (g/t) don't you wanna say bye?" She asked. You were almost crying but than you noticed that pumpkin was missing. "Wait, where's pumpkin?" You asked. "She's not inside?" Lapis asked. "She was just standing next to me" Peridot said. "We have to find her" You said. Lapis let the barn down and the smaller than an average lake was filled up again. "I'll check from above, Peridot, (g/t) you search the ground" Lapis ordered and flew away. "I'll help too" Steven said. You all started yelling pumpkins name.

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