Chapter 28: Happily Ever After

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It is now two years after Steven saved the whole Universe. Everything was perfect, and everyone could live their Happily ever after.

Today you were visiting Jasper, like every day. She lives in the Forest in a cave not far from Little Homeworld. You were growing the grass back. For some reason, at least once a week, Jasper plucks out all the grass (She totally doesn't do it because she wants to see you grow them back. Nope totally don't). You've finished growing the grass back. Jasper always likes to watch you do that. You stood up. "Okay, finally done" You said. Your phone ringed (Steven got you one a year ago). You picked it up. It was Peridot. "Hi Peri. What is the emergency?" You asked her. "Hi (g/t). We kinda need your help with installing the new warp. Could you come here?" Peridot asked. You sighed "Sure, I'll be there in a bit" You said and hung up. You looked at Jasper. "Sorry J, i have to go. Peridot and the others need my help at Little Homeworld" You said. She looked sad. "Why? Can't they manage it on their own?" Jasper asked. "Apparently not. But don't worry I'll come back. I promise" You said and kissed her on her cheek. "If you'll miss me really much I'll probably be at Stevens house later" You said and
Ran out of the forest.

After you've arrived you had to help to tie the ropes to the new warp. You were standing on it with Amethyst making sure it holds. Bismuth lifted the warppad up. Than Steven warped in. He almost walked off of the Warppad. "Woah, carefull dude" Amethyst said and pulled him back with her whip. They did their handshake. "Thanks Amethyst" Steven said. "Heya Steven" You said. "(G/t)!" He said and hugged you. "Steven! You're just in time were about to install the new warp" Bismuth said. "Which means Little Homeworld is 83,7% complete" Peridot said while she flew on a garbage can lid. "Only 83,7%? We'd better get cracking" Lapis said and flew off with her wings. "I'm on it" Bismuth said and started to work with the machine. "Wow, Little Homeworld is growing fast" Steven said. "So are you" You said. Amethyst turned into Steven and said "look at me, I'm a young adult". You and Steven laughed. "I love that all these gems wanna make their new home on earth. Wish I'd had this when I first emerged" Amethyst said and started singing "Once upon a time, I burst to life inside of the Kindergarten. Produced of a war that I had no idea I had a part it. I came out late and alone. Knew nothing but my home. But I know now exactly who I'm supposed to be. And it's appart of this family".

The warppad was now in place. " So what do you think?" Amethyst asked. Steven started to sing as well. "If I could just stop and right here and be, finally done, finally us finally we!" He sang as he took a photo of Himself, Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl. You just smiled at them. Steven looked at you and asked "Why don't you sing something (g/t)?". You smiled and started to sing " Once upon a time I only lived to be of Pink diamonds service. Fighting in the war for her, before she faked her own shattering than, I served Yellow Diamond. She gave me to Jasper. And from that day forward I knew she loves me too. And now I will tell her that too" You sang. All of them smiled at you.

They ran to a hill while singing "here we are in the future and it's bright. Nothing to fear no one to fight. I can't believe we've come see far. Happily ever after. Happily ever after here we aaaaaaare" You were now lying on the ground by the light house. Steven, Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl were there too. "I want everything to say exactly like this and never change" Steven said. "Agreed" Pearl said. "Yer here" Amethyst said. "How's the future look Garnet? Do we all stay just like this forever?" Steven asked. Garnet straightened her glasses. "
She sat up and said "no". The sky turned cloudy now. A giant injector was landing. " Hey! Are you Steven Universe?" A gem yelled. "Um, yes" Steven answered. "Perfect" You heard the gem mumble. The gem turned her pinky into a horn and blew into it. The injector started to move. "Move!" Garnet yelled. All of you ran from the place where you were lying. The injector drilled a small hole into the ground. "Hey! Nice park job Dingus" Amethyst said. The Injector started to release the liquid it had inside itself into the ground. The gem jumped down from the top of the injector. "Well, well, well, well, well, lemme get a look at the managerie" The gem stretched out its eye. "You must be Amethyst, You must be Garnet and Pink diamonds Pearl, well she took you with her. Doesn't that just swell. Oh and what is that? A new gem mabye. Is she one of your friends too?". " It can't be" Pearl said. The gem laughed "but it can be, and it is, I got a new style and few new toys that are gonna put an end to your 'Happily Ever After' once and for all" The gem said. "Woah, woah, this is gotta be a misunderstanding. In case you didn't heard, I've established peace across the-" The gem cut Steven off. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've heard. I've had your little message to the Universe, ON LOOP" The gem yelled and kicked Steven. You summoned your weapon as did Amethyst, Pearl and Garnet. "I just love that part where Pink Diamond spends the rest of her days on this no were planet, with a bunch of nobody!" The gem started to sing.

The gem jumped around. Garnet tried to hit her, but the gem was quick to dodge. She stretched Pearls nose. And than grabbed amethyst hair and blinded her with them. She than jumped to you and spun you around like a toy. She grabbed Pearl and hang her upside down. Than she was bouncing amethyst like a ball with her legs. After that She was bouncing Garnet on her arms. And than she was holding you on one of her fingers spinning you around. You fell to the ground, your head spinning. She grabbed you and Amethyst with one hand, and the others. Than pulled you all together. You hit yourselves against each other. The gem landed on  the top of the light house. You sat up. "She's running circles around us" Garnet said. "I'm rusty, give me a break" Amethyst said. "It really is her, but she can't be serious" Pearl said. "You know her Pearl? Can you tell us who she is?" Steven asked. The gem started to sing again. The gem pulled out a weapon out of her gem. She activated it. It was a rejuvenator. She jumped down between us. You ran away from her as to not get hit by it. She kicked Steven away. She jumped towards you. You dodged her. She wrapped her legs around the injector. She was now holding on top of the light house. Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl started to run towards her
You stepped in front of them and yelled "Guys wait! You can't just ran at her! Do you even know what that weapon i-" You stopped talking when the rejuvenator slices trough you. The last thing you saw, was the shocked faces of Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl and Steven, before you poofed.


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