Chapter 17: Room for Ruby

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You were sitting on the tracktor watching the sun come up. "Finally there's a star to wish on" Peridot pointed at the sun. "Peridot! Lapis!
(g/t)!" Steven yelled. "Steven!" You all said in union. "And pumpkin can't forget you!" Steven said as pumpkin ran up to him. "Well back again" Peridot said. "You should just move in with us at this point" You said. "Actually mabie not me, but I know someone else who might be interested" Steven said. A Ruby came out of the corn field "Hi I'm Navy a refugee from homeworld, just like you guys!" She said. She laughed. Peridot, you and Lapis looked surprised. "So uhh, when did you show up on earth?" Peridot asked. "Today" Navy said. "New Barney!" Peridot yelled. "What? No. Hold on. Can we talk about this first?" Lapis asked. "Yeah. yeah, yeah, yeah, of course. We love talking" Peridot said. Lapis wrapped some water around Navy and made a bubble. "Steven, this doesn't make sense, why would she want to live here? We've been awful to her. She must hate us" Lapis said. "She doesn't tho. Give her a chance, she's on our side now" Steven said. "Just like that? Wow" Peridot said. "There's no way" Lapis said. "Well you guys wanted to start a new life here to, it can totally happen, and you even accepted (g/t) here" He motioned to you. "Yeah, but Lapis accepted me, because you healed me from being corrupted, and I was on earth longer than this Ruby" You said. "Even if she wants to be here, she doesn't know what's she getting into, life on earth is very confusing, it took me a long time to get used to it, I'm still getting used to it" Lapis said. "But, we can show her the way, I mean we've been through the ring around this stuff, it'll be cool to show what we learned, and you know I think we'd be really good at it. I mean look at (g/t), she learned so much from us while she lived with us" Peridot looked at you. You blushed slightly. "Okay, okay, I'll give it a try, but we'll have to take it slow" Lapis said. "Yeah" Peridot said. "This'll be great, I just know it!" Steven said. Pumpkin barked. Lapis snapped her fingers and released Navy from the bubble. "Thank you" Is all that Navy said.

Lapis and Peridot pulled out a chalk board. The same board they explained the earth to you.
"So you're an earthling, but what does that mean? Well the answer is" Lapis turned the board around. "Who knows?" You yelled. You and Peridot laughed "And that's the beauty of earth, nothing here makes sense but that's why you have us now" Peridot said. "It might be hard to live earth at first. It is where a bunch of bad stuff happened" Lapis said. You put a hand on her shoulder. "I love it, it's so sunny" Navy said. "Ah yes the sun, ever burning" Peridot said. "Until it's not" You finished. "This planet has weather, which can be confusing and alarming. It's sunny now but it can always rain later" Lapis explained. "What is rain" Navy asked. "It's like-, oh wait, I can just show you" Lapis summoned a cloud of water and made it rain. "I know it's a bit strange but-" Lapis started but got cut off by Navy. "Wee!! Haha the sky is crying!" She screamed and started to run around in circles. "She likes it, Navy likes it!" Steven yelled and started to run around with her. "A planet that's not always sunny, it's almost like, it's always, changing! It's so beautiful!" Navy laughed. "Yeah, exactly" Steven said. "Wow, that's like chapter 97 of earth stuff. Looks like we've got an advanced student on our hands" Peridot said and opened up an umbrella over herself, you and Lapis. "Yeah, no kidding" Lapis said.

Inside the barn Pumpkin was sleeping on a hammock. "This is our gem cave, lapis hates it when I call it like that so I don't" Peridot said. "The barn's pretty big so you can have one of the corners, but not that one that one's mine" You said and pointed at a Bunker made of pillows and blankets. "Make it your own" Peridot finished. "That is so, so nice, any corner would be lovely" Navy said. "You should have a look around" Steven said. Navy looked at the meep morph named 'occupied', but than was amazed by a hammock. "Woah, what's this for?" She asked. "That's a hammock, it's a bed you fall out of" Peridot explained. "It's where I like to sleep, I don't have to do it, but I like to do it, you know, turn off for a bit and-" "Snore" You said. "Like this: Snore" Peridot said. "Wow sounds groovy, how do I start?" Navy asked. "That one's really hard to explain. You lay down somewhere and close your eyes and think about nothing or everything, but it may take you a little while to feel comfortable enough to-" Lapis said but stopped when she heard snoring. Navy just fell asleep on the floor and started snoring. "Looks like you've got it" Lapis said kind of annoyed.

You walked around the crops to show Navy the back of it. "And here's our organic earth farm" Peridot said.
"The ground beneath our feet is teeming with recourses which feed the growing crops around us" You said. "Don't bother talking to the corn, it can't hear you" Peridot added. "Plants may seem strange to at first, but don't worry you don't have to love everything right away" Lapis said. "I love plants!" Navy yelled. Lapis turned around and said "well what about pumpkin, do you love pumpkin too?" Pumpkin barked at Navy. Navy looked at him "I love Pumpkin!" Navy said and pumpkin started licking her face. "Ew, pumpkin kisses" Steven said. Lapis took pumpkin away and gave him to you " Well what about dirt? Do you love the dirt too?" Lapis asked. "What's dirt?" Navy asked. Lapis pointed at the ground. "I do love the dirt" Navy said and started rolling on the ground. Steven and Peridot joined her. "So what about us? How do you feel about us?" Lapis asked again. "You guys are the best!" Navy yelled and hugged Steven and Peridot. "Thank you, thank you, thank you all for taking me in, we're gonna be the best of friends!" Navy yelled. "But we were just enemies, don't you remember? Why don't you get mad?" Lapis yelled. "I think even if I really tried, that's the one thing I can't do" Navy said. "Oh, come on!" Lapis yelled and flew away. "Did I do something?" Navy asked. "Lapis! Wait!" You yelled and ran after her. She was sitting on the truck. You claimed up to her. "Lapis what's wrong?" You asked her. "She's just, it's just like she's fine with us, like there's no problem" She explained. "I know how you feel" You said. Suddenly Steven and Peridot flew up towards you on a garbage can lid. "Lapis are you okay?" Steven asked. "No, something is seriously wrong with me" She said. "It took me so long to learn to like this planet" She said. "Hey no one said there's a rush" Peridot said. "Navy just loves Everyone and everything right away, she has no guard, no fear, I just don't get it. Why is it so easy for her, when it was so hard for me" Lapis said and turned her head away. "Oh no, I didn't mean to make anyone upset, oh Mabye I should just go" She said. "Aw Navy" Steven said. "No, no it's my problem, I didn't mean to make you feel like you don't belong here" Lapis said. "Yeah, you should stay!" Peridot said. "Aww you guys I'm so glad! I don't know where I would go anyway, can't go anywhere without my ship, that's the only place I belonged any ways. I miss it so much!" Navy started crying. "Navy, we have your ship, it's right over there!" Steven said and pointed at the roaming eye. "You do?" Navy said and turned around. "Wow, I didn't even notice it there" She said. "Mabye you can uhh, show us the ropes ((?)I don't understand him). " I would love that" Navy said.

The ship was flying through the air so smoothly. Navy sounded excited. "This is perfect. The crystal gems finally have a pilot" Steven said. You coughed. "A second pilot" Steven added. Peridot was sitting on a chair with pumpkin in her lap "things are going okay now huh?" She asked lapis. "Yeah, yeah they are" Lapis answered. "Hey Steven hit that button behind you and I'll show you what this baby can really do" Navy said. "Uhh you mean the one right here?" Steven asked. "Yeah, that's the one" Navy said and smiled. "Uhh Steven I don't think it's a good idea" You said. "I'm gonna press it!" Steven said and ran to the button. You tried to stop him but, he already pressed it.

The light went red and a rube went around Navys seat. You all flew out of the ship. Steven was talking to Navy but you couldn't hear him due to how quickly the ship flew through the air.
"What?" You kinda heard Lapis said. Peridot was talking now but you couldn't hear her. Navy dropped us into the ocean. Lapis started laughing. "Lapis she's getting away!" Steven said. "I was right! No one can be that well adjusted" Lapis said. You walked out of the water and saw Garnet waiting there with two balloons. The red one said: Welcome to the Party, and the blue one: Sorry for your loss. "Garnet" Steven said. Garnet poped the red one and said "it was still worth a shot"


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