Chapter 14: Adventures in light distortion

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It was a nice sunny day. You were relaxing outside the barn. Over the past few weeks a lot has happened. You've Rewatched all the seasons of Camp pining hearts like 4 times in a row and on top of that Lapis seemed to like you more and more. She now talks to you like (f/n) never existed. You heard the warppad activate. Garnet, Amethyst, Steven and Pearl ran towards you and and asked if you've seen Peridot. While Peridot was setting up the ship, Garnet filled you in. "I will go with you" You said. "Why would you want to go there?" Amethyst asked. "I was there recently (one thousand years ago) so I can help you" You stated. "Okay it might be handy to have someone as a guide there" Garnet said. "So what it's red come on, come on we gotta go!" Steven suddenly yelled. "Rubies aside will it fly?" Pearl asked. "Short answer: yes" Peridot answered. "Okay let's go" You followed Amethyst into the ship.

The ship flew into space. "Don't worry dad, we're on our way, I hope he got to see some of this, there's enough out here for a whole album about the Cosmos" The ship shook. "Oh, oh space turbulence!" The ship crashed to some of the asteroids. Pearl was Able to dodge the fence next ones. "Sweet moves" Garnet said. "Hold on" Pearl said. "Alright how much further till we get to- ahh" A Ruby landed on top of the ship. Than we crashed to two more rubies. "Sorry rubies" Steven said. "We should really do something about them" Garnet said. "We can pick them up on the way back, dad comes first. How much longer till we get there?" He asked. "Well at our current speed we should be reaching the human zoo in approximately 70 human years! Just in time of Gregs 110th anniversary of being alive" Pearl said. "Can humans even live that long?" You asked. "No, only if they're really healthy. But, Pearl my dad isn't healthy enough to live that long!" Steven said. "Ehh do you think he'll be able to make it to 109?" Pearls asked her self. "Before we left Peridot did mention a gravity engine" Garnet said. "Oh yeah she said it bends reality" Amethyst said. "Yes she said that, but what effect will it have on organic matter?" You said. "It might flatten Steven into a pancake of skin and bones" Pearl continued. "Ew bones are gross" Amethyst said. "You have bones in your bedroom" Garnet said. "That's different, those are my bones" Amethyst simply replied. "If being a pancake means saving my dad than bring on the sirup" Steven pushed a button. The ship flew a lot faster than before. Steven blacked out.

"Steven!" Garnet said. "Steven are you okay?" Pearl asked. Steven sat up "I'm fine I think I just blacked out. Um are you guys okay?" He asked. You looked at Amethyst. All of you were the size of a Ruby. She laughed. "You tell me" Garnet said. "Oh no we're not okay!" Pearl said. "Um why do you guys look like that?" Steven asked. "The gravity warp seemes to be affecting our bodies" Garnet said. "Please tell me this lasts forever" Amethyst said. "Our bodies are made of light, and usually they form a mass depending on the air pressure and the level of gravity in the environment. But we're in a situation where the normal laws of physics don't apply" Pearl said. "Who cares it's funny" Amethyst said. "In what way is this funny?" Pearl asked. "So you guys aren't doing this on purpose? Can't you shape shift back?" Steven asked "hold on" Amethyst asked and shape shifted. She had a mask on her face and really weird clothes. "Ha check it out Puma cub" She said. "The ship seems to be putting out some kind of energy keeping us in this shape. "Guys it's easy the ship is calibrated for rubies, if I could change the settings into something different it will change our bodies as well" You said. "Uhg why didn't Peridot say anything about this. This is why we don't listen to her!" Pearl said. "I'll try to change the settings" Steven said. Steven changed the settings on quartz soldiers. Your body grew into the size of Jasper. "Nope" Steven said. He changed the settings to aquamarine. Your body shrunk and you fell to the ground. "Nope" Steven said again. He changed the settings to diamonds. You grew to the size of Yellow diamonds. "Sorry!" Steven yelled. "This isn't working" Garnet said. "Steven try adjusting it manually" You said. "Woah um maybe this one?" Steven clicked on something your neck got longer and fell into your lap. "Okay so that does that. Uhh maybe this one" He clicked another button. Your hands grew longer almost noodle like. "Agh why is this so complicated?" Steven presses a bunch of buttons. Your body got into a normal shape for a while, but it quickly changed into a ball. "Uhh Steven this is getting a little weird even for me" Amethyst said. Steven pressed again a bunch of buttons and was able to find the off switch? "I think I found the off switch" Steven said and pressed it. The ships lights turned red and your body stretched behind the ship. You saw all the stars fly so quickly. Your body wasn't able to keep up with the ship going faster than the speed of light.

The ship slowed down after a while and you were able to get back inside the ship. "You're back!" Steven said running up to you. He hugged Amethyst, Garnet And Pearl and than you. "Where did you go I was so worried!" He said. "Uhh I think in your attempt to fix, our bodies you may have accidentally shut off the whole calibration all together. Our light composed forms couldn't keep up with the ship moving faster than the speed of light" You explained. "So you were just laging behind the ship this whole time" He said. "Yeah. Don't worry about it too much. Amethyst liked it" Garnet said. "I never thought I could stretch so far. I think I flew my face trough planet" She laughed. "Oh Steeman you heard Garnet we're completely fine dude".
" I was pushing so hard I, i just wanted to get dad back so much, I I almost wrecked the mission, this whole thing is my fault" Steven said and cried. "Steven you didn't kidnapped Greg, Blue Diamond did" Garnet said. You walked towards the controls. You looked out of the window. Right there you saw it. The human zoo. "Um (g/t) are you okay?" Steven asked. "Yes I'm fine. It's just that we're here" you replied. "What you did got us to the zoo" Garnet said. "Yeah?" He asked. "And only 70 human years ahead of schedule" She continued. "I'll see you really soon dad" Steven said.


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