Chapter 5: Party foul

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Maria, " Either you strip and get in this water or I'm gonna just grab you and drag you in this water with your clothes on. "

You think.

Maria, " 3. "

You looked around and spot Sebastian's shirt.

You looked at it and looked at Sebastian and then smirked.


Sebastian, " Oh no, you leave my shirt alone. "

You, " Aw does someone not want their shirt to get wet? "

Sebastian, " Maybe I just want to see you almost naked. "

Maria, " Ew, dude why would you want to see your sister naked? "

You, " Yeah, Bro. "

You grabbed his shirt.

Sebastian, " Alright.. alright, I was just kidding anyway, I said she could wear it. "

You sigh, " Fine.. you guys win.. "

You turn around so you're facing Brad's house and the other random people who are partying and you take your shirt off and then your shorts.

Maria whistles, " Whoa girl, work it boo. "

You turned around and giggled.

Brad, " Dang girl. "

You blush.

Sebastian, " Hey don't hit on ( he clears his throat ) my sister. "

Brad, " Sorry dude, but your sister has great looks. "

Sebastian, " Well I wonder where she gets them from. "

Maria, " Uhh her mom obviously. "

You, Brad and Maria, laugh while Sebastian rolls his eyes.

You then sit down at the edge and stick your feet back in the water and slowly work your way down into the water.

Sebastian, " Aw come on, no big splash? "

You, " Uhh no. "

Brad, " You want a big splash? "

Brad walks out of the pool and goes to the fence.

Sebastian, " Not from you! "

Brad ignored him and ran all the way to the pool and jumped in.

He landed right in between you and Sebastian so you both got wet.

Sebastian, " Dude I'm gonna kill you. "

Brad, " Aw someone mad that I messed up his hair? "

You giggle.

Sebastian, " It takes ages to make my hair look good as it does. "

Brad, " Oh sure I can do that same hairstyle in like 5 minutes. "

Sebastian, " If you really believe that then how about tomorrow morning you prove to me that you can do it in 5 minutes. "

Brad, " Okay, You and Y/n can stay. "

You, " Me? "

You get worried.

Brad, " Something wrong? "

You, " Why do I gotta stay as well?"

Brad, " Well you're his sister so why not?"

Sebastian, " He's right sis. "

Sebastian MoyWhere stories live. Discover now