Chapter 6: Heavy Heart

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Sebastian, " Alright... I'll let you get some rest. "

You laid down on the bed, " Seb. "

Sebastian, " Yeah? "

You, " Please stay. "


Sebastian, " Are you sure? "

You, " Yes, I- I don't want to be alone right now. "

Sebastian, " Are you okay? " Sebastian lays down beside you on the bed.

You, " Not really... "

Sebastian, " Do you want me to kick his butt tomorrow in front of the whole school for you? "

You, " No I don't want you getting in trouble because of me. "

Sebastian, " Yeah, but he hurt you... He doesn't deserve to get away with that. "

You, " Sebastian, I really don't want you to get oss because of me. "

Sebastian, " Well is there anything I can do? "

You, " Just be here with me until I fall asleep. "

Sebastian, " Okay. "

You sigh and turned on your side facing the wall and closed your eyes.

Sebastian, " I don't know if you're sleeping or not, but you can call me Seb if you want.. Not many people call me it because my brother gave me the nickname before he... well... passed away... I've been having so much trouble sleeping at night due to this."

He sighs, " That is kind of why I turned into who I am today. My mom is gone and my father... he really doesn't care about me. ( This is just for the storyline, please don't take it as real ) I've been moving from house to house for a long time now due to my father's job. Every time I'm always alone in this house with no company, no one to cook for me, no one to even simply go out with. I know I have friends, but I don't always want to bother them and I don't want them to think I am some loser with no parents around. Sure it's cool to be able to do what you want when you want, but then again it's not. Rules teach us... like you example to be sweet, kind, caring... I'm not one to express any emotion and usually I don't really care about anybody's feelings. It's like my heart is cold... I am damaged in so many ways. "

You were there pretending you were sleeping, but you heard him sniffle and you figured he was starting to cry.. so you kept your eyes closed and turned around and layed your head on his chest to try to comfort him even though you were ' sleeping '. You felt his arm wrap around you and felt his breath on your head. You then felt him kiss your forehead and he whispered Goodnight. You thought he was gonna leave, but he didn't he stay put for a while so you eventually went to sleep.

The next morning you woke up and you felt something wrapped around you. You noticed an arm and you looked up and noticed Sebastian slept with you throughout the whole night. You slowly turned to look at the clock and noticed it was 6:30 so you got up and quietly walked to the other side of the room and grabbed the clothing Sebastian picked out for you and you walked to the bathroom. You locked the door and showered and then got dressed. You put on the shirt Sebastian picked out for you and it was an exact replica of the one from yesterday. It was kind of long on you, but you didn't mind. You quietly walked past the room you were sleeping in and walked down to the kitchen. You found some pancake mix in the cupboard and so you made some pancakes, bacon, and eggs for breakfast. You ate all of your food and drank up the canned soda you had. You then grabbed another canned soda for Sebastian ( since there was only soda in the fridge ) and you brought up the food and soda to the room. When you opened the door you saw him laying on the bed looking so peaceful. You put the food and soda on the stand beside the bed and you leaned over him and started to softly shake him.

Sebastian groans, " What time is it? "

You, " It's time to eat. "

Sebastian, " Eat? "

You, " Yes I made you breakfast in bed. "

Sebastian turns around and faces you, " You didn't have to do that. "

You, " Well it's the least I could do where you protected me yesterday. "

He smiles, " What did you make? "

You, " I made some pancakes, eggs, and bacon. "

Sebastian, " Sounds like a good breakfast to me. "

You smile and handed him the plate of food and opened the can of soda for him.

Sebastian started to eat, " So how you like the shirt? "

You, " Well, to be honest, it's very comfy. "

Sebastian, " It looks good on you. "

You blush a bit, " Thanks. "

Sebastian, " For real though, what time is it? "

You looked at your phone, " It's 7. "

Sebastian, " We are gonna be late. "

You, " Hey, finish eating and shower it is okay to be late. "

Sebastian, " But we will miss the first period. "

You, " My first period is gym anyway. "

Sebastian, " Oh look at you bad girl. "

You giggle, " Hey uh may I ask something? "

Sebastian, " You just did. "

You roll your eyes, " Two questions? "

Sebastian, " You just did again. "

You, " Sebastian whatever your middle name is and whatever your last name is, FINE. May I ask 4 questions? "

Sebastian laughs, " Shoot. "

You, " Do you have a jacket I could possibly just borrow until the end of school today? "

Sebastian finishes his food, " You don't have one? "

You, " I didn't bring one with me. "

Sebastian gets up out of bed and licks his fingers from the syrup and goes into his room and then hands you his leather jacket in his other hand.

You, " Sebastian, that's your favorite jacket. "

Sebastian, " And? Wear it. Just don't get anything on it or you'll have to pay for dry cleaning. "

You, " Yeah... I'll pass. "

Sebastian giggles, " I'm kidding, just wear it. It'll match the t-shirt. "

You, " What will you wear? "

Sebastian, " You'll see. I'm gonna hop in the shower, be right back. "

You checked on your phone through Instagram and TikTok while waiting for Sebastian to get out of the shower.

It was 7:30 and the first period was almost about to start.

Sebastian than walks in, " Alright let's get to hell. "

You were shocked by what he was wearing.

Sebastian, " What? You've never seen a guy wear a sweatshirt before? "

You, " I didn't expect you to even own anything other than leather. "

Sebastian, " There's so much you don't know about me, Babygirl. "

The way he said Babygirl made you flustered.

Sebastian smirks, " Come on, we gotta get going. "

You both made it to school just in time. The moment you step foot out of Sebastian's car you got so many hateful looks.

Sebastian, " Eh don't worry about them, they're just jealous because they want a piece of this. "

You, " Maybe they are jealous of you because they want a piece of me. "

Sebastian, " I mean who wouldn't want a piece of you. "

You blush but tried to hide it.

Maria then comes up and steals you from Sebastian walking to class with you.

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