Chapter 2

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          You put your "wip" into reverse and drove out to the gate where your horses were standing waiting, seemingly knowing what all of the ruckus was about inside of the barn. You turned the key and pulled a few cookies(horse treats) from the glove box that you kept in case the horses needed an incentive to take their meds. Making your way up to the gate, all four of your horses were waiting for you.
Frank- Who was a Half-linger, with a light brown coat and a blonde mane that was in his golden years and needed medicine daily for his arthritis. You knew that you would have to put him to sleep some day, and you cherished every moment that you had with him and spoiled him whenever  you saw him waiting up by the gate for you.
Jessie- Your other Half-linger,with a red coat  and a cream mane that was a year younger than Frank, but he was as lively as ever, always making exited squeals when he saw you, and always rubbing against you when he got the chance.
Comet- He was a Texas Walker with a sleek, white coat of shiny fur, and a silky soft, Snow White mane. Comet was fairly new to the pasture, only rescuing him from an abandoned barn a year ago, so he was a little standoffish towards you, but you loved him nevertheless.
Storm- Who was your most prized horse, a registered Shire stallion(Shire stallions have to be at least 19 hands to be registered in the US)with a dapple-grey coat with a creamy mane. Since you were very short, but not considered a dwarf, you struggled to get into the saddle, but you managed. You had storm for maybe a month and he had took a liking to you immediately, and you were so thankful for that.

You stuck your hand under one of the planks of the fence gate to give all the horses their treats,well almost all of them. You climbed over the gate with a little struggle, and jumped over into the pasture, Comet refused to take the cookie out of your hand, in return you placed the cookie on the ground, took a couple of steps back, and waited. Comet came up hesitantly and took the cookie gingerly off the ground. Comet wolfed down the cookie as the other horses gathered in a group behind you, waiting for any more treats you had in store for them. After Jessie and Storm thoroughly searched you for anymore treats, you took Frank's medicine out of your back pocket. Frank seemed to know what was going to happen so he slowly trudged away, trying to avoid his daily dose of meds. You took advantage of his slowness and walked in front of him, successfully stopping his huge hooves from moving any further. You took your hand and opened his mouth and shoved the tablet down his throat. Frank chewed the tablet reluctantly and gave you the evil eye.
"Sorry buddy, it's good! It helps you!" You tried to convince Frank that he shouldn't hate his medicine.

After patting all the horses, except for Comet, you climbed over the gate and climbed into your side by side and turned the key. The engine sputtered for a few seconds, and then stopped. Great, just your luck, about half a mile away from your dainty cabin. You tried the key a few more times, no luck. You slammed your head down onto the steering wheel, muttering a string of curses under your breath. You sighed and threw yourself out of the side by side, slowly making your way back to your cabin to retrieve your tractor to haul the broken down vehicle back to the barn, where it's supposed to be right about now. You hung your head as you continued your journey to get the tractor.
"Today is going to be just B-E-A-utiful."

Hello fellow reader!!! Please provide feedback and your opinion on these few chapters, this is my first book. Thank you!
Nat OUT🤠

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