Chapter 24

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(Y/N)  P.O.V.

     I was scanning the field for the horses, as per usual. All the horses were gathered around in a small half circle, and in the middle, was a large lump.

      I immediately recognized this so called lump and almost ripped the jeeps door off. The Jeep wasn't stopped all the way so I stumbled a bit, then ran as fast as I could in front of the Jeep, slamming my hand down on the hood as I did for a boost. I flew over the fence, and I swear I heard a board crack as I did, but I didn't care. My only task right now was to get to him.

       Once I reached the lump, I fell on my knees down by his front legs, Frank's. I rubbed his belly and scratched his neck, and he only let out a soft whimper. All of the horses were gathered around us, trying to comfort me since they could sense my stress. I just pushed them away and screamed.

"GET AWAY!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs at them, they ran off and I sighed as tears came to my eyes.

      I scooted over and gently pulled Frank's head into my lap. I knew something was wrong. He looked so skinny, and he looked fine this morning. His eyes were lazily blinking and my chest started to shake as I gently stroked his head in my lap. By now, Chris was in the field as well. Chris stood a ways away, letting us have our moment.

      I knew Frank was old, but I never thought he would go so fast. His breaths were shallow and the only thing that moved steadily were his lazily blinking eyes. I sobbed loudly and Frank nuzzled his head down into my lap more. I smiled sadly as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"I should be the one comforting you Frank."I whispered to him quietly.

      His ears perked at the sound of his name. I felt a presence behind me, and for a second I thought Chris had made his way over. But then I felt a gust of warm air on the top of my head. When I looked back, it was Jessie. The sight of him just made me sob even more. Jessie came around and didn't hesitate to lay down behind me. I leaned on him and he licked Frank's cheek as I petted his neck. Jessie and Frank had been together for as long as I can remember. I always thought Jessie always looked after Frank, making sure he keeps up and to snap at the horse flies that get too close.

      Jessie and Frank were like two peas in a pod. I can remember many times where Frank would get a burst of energy and chase Jessie around in the field, nipping and bucking at each other gleefully in the green pasture. Frank and Jessie were the first residents at the farm, they had been here since day one, they actually came with the property. The old owners couldn't take them were they were going, so they left them. They were scared to death of everything, practically wild. It's crazy what a little love and attention can do to an animal.

     Frank's breathes were getting more shallow, and by now, Jessie had a dark tear down his cheek, I didn't even know horses could cry, but I couldn't think of a better moment to express sadness. I know I should call the the vet, but I just couldn't bare to have them put him down in front of me.


   It had been a couple of hours since I first jumped the fence and sat with Frank. His breathing was still labored, but he didn't look like he was in pain, I even had Chris go fetch him some of his arthritis pills. Frank reluctantly took them, as always, and that brought a smile to me. By now, Chris was sitting down, leaning against Comet, a sad look on his face,with Storm kicking around near us. I was still in the same position, leaned up against Jessie's stomach, while Frank's head was rested in my lap.

     I had asked Chris to get a photo of the three of us, just for good old times sake. To think that this was the last time this trio would be together just made me sob more. When Frank heaved a big sigh, my attention was placed solely on him. I held his cheeks in my small hands and kissed his temple.

And that was when Franklin James of the Wild West, took his final breath, surrounded by souls that loved and cared for him deeply, he was right where he wanted to be.


I'm sorry that this chapter is shorter, I can't bring myself to add anymore to this part, mostly because I bawled my eyes out while typing. My actual horse, Frank, has not passed, so this hit home. The loss of an animal can hurt deeply and sometimes can never be sealed off, sometimes it's good to just cry, for those who have lived and died, and for those who haven't even lived yet. Thank you for all of your support on this book.

~Nat OUT🤠

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