Chapter 22

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~*(Three years later)*~

(Y/N) P.O.V.

      You and Chris had been engaged for about a year and a half now, you two dated for a couple of years after you and Chris confessed your love for each other. But after the two years, Chris said he just couldn't wait, and that is what made you the fiancé of Christopher Robert Evans.

      You and Chris hadn't married yet, mostly because of his family living so far away. Your family on the other hand.....They live about half an hour away, but the only people that are left are your siblings and they've all got kids, and things to do. Your mom and dad divorced when you were little, and he never wanted to be a part of your life until you were about twelve, which didn't blow over very well with your mother and step-father. Your step-dad was more of a father figure than your dad would ever be, and you loved him so very much. Your mom and step dad died around the same time about five years ago. Both of them died of lung cancer, because they were huge smokers. So that left you pretty much alone on gods green earth. Except for Chris. Chris has been so supportive of everything you've done and you two were very happy. Even though you two  remained busy with the work on the farm, the house seemed quiet. And after much time and planning, you and Chris decided to try for a baby.

      After the first six months of unprotected sex and failed pregnancy tests, you started to lose hope. And that's when you had a realization...

"Hey babe?" You called out quietly for Chris as you walked down the stairs and into the master bedroom.

"Yes?"Chris smiled goofily at you as he came out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel around his waist.

      You had seen him buck naked before, but you could never get over how toned he was and the sight always made you blush.

"Uhm-." Your voice cracked and then you cleared your throat as tears began to well in your eyes.

"Doll, what's wrong?" He came over to you with worry etched on his handsome face and his arms outstretched to envelope you.

      You melted into his bare chest as you sobbed and held your hands to your chest. Chris has his arms wrapped tightly around you and his head atop of yours. He led you to the edge of the bed, where he sat down with you falling into place in his lap. You straddled his lap and buried your face into his neck, which caught him by surprise a little, but he instantly wrapped his arms tightly around your back, rubbing soothing circles.

"I" You barley got out before you coughed and sniffled.

      Chris's face lit up as he smiled at you, but it quickly faded once he saw you weren't smiling.

"This is good! We can see if there's a jelly bean in there!" He pokes your stomach gently, but you pushed him away and stood up.

     You shook your head.

"No, Christopher. It's to see-." You couldn't finish the sentence, you got choked up halfway through.

     Chris knew you were mad, because you used his first name. He had no idea why you were mad, had he read your signs wrong? He took that as a yes once your lips quivered and he could see the tears well up again. He rushed to try and hold you, but you pushed him away.

Chris P.O.V.

     She pushed me away...... Was I really this bad at listening? I could feel my heart throb when she stood there in the middle of the bedroom, slouched with tears streaming down her face.

      She stuttered for a while, trying to make out a sentence. She finally got one syllable out and I understood in an instant. 

"The appointment is to see if your infertile...." Chris could feel the tears in his own eyes now.

   This time when he rushed over to her, she accepted his embrace. (Y/n) cried for a while, by now I was in a light blue t-shirt and a pair of loose boxers. She had stained my shirt with tears, but mine were on hers. The worst part about it was that we couldn't even do anything but wait. Wait until the appointment.

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