Chapter 7

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A/N: Almost 27 reads!!! Thank you guys so much! Comment your opinion! Don't be shy! Ok I'll stop bothering you now.

(Y/N) P.O.V

     You couldn't believe that you just invited to help a stranger. He was a handsome stranger, yes, but nevertheless you had no idea who he was or what his business was. After you climbed back onto Storm with little effort, you motioned for the man to follow you down the old dusty road. The male formally known as Chris, climbed back into his Jeep and started to drive slowly behind you, following you while you were riding Storm.

     The ride back felt like an eternity. You were constantly checking behind you to make sure that the Jeep was still following behind you,
and every time you looked, you could see the man's eyes on you. (Y/n) wasn't exactly the most insecure girl that ever lived but she certainly wasn't the most confident. Even though she was a whopping four feet and eleven inches tall, she never let herself get intimidated by strangers. Normally when she met strangers she would come on strong and confident, but something about this man made it seem like he could see right through her, and that terrified the girl.

     Since the girl was riding Storm with another equine attached to the stirrup, she had to go back to the pasture. She had no idea what she was going to do with the fence for tonight, fix it obviously. But since it was sunset, fixing the fence would just have to wait until morning. This wasn't a problem for her because this isn't the first time Comet has broken a fence plank before. When she first got Comet he broke fences left and right, but he never escaped or even tried to stick his head out of the fence. (Y/n) would just have to keep the horses in the stables for the night and until she could get the fence fixed. Her stables weren't that big so she knew it would be uncomfortable or them, but it would just have to do for the night. But in the winter the horses never really seemed to mind the close proximity of the stables. Most times in the frigid weather they would pack in like sardines to keep warm. But since it was summer now, it would be a sweat fest for them. But then again, the fence was broke and she was only taking precautions.

     Once the woman and her trio of males reached the pasture, she hopped off of Storm's tall saddle and tied him to the outside of the fence. She took Comet and his lead rope and walked him to the barn, along with all of the other horses, except for Storm, since she had to un-tack him. She took the bridle and lead rope off of Comet, he didn't resist, she figured it was because he was exhausted, but she couldn't blame him, so was she. The woman walked back up to the fence and walked through the gate, leaving it open since she was about to take Storm to the stables once she was done untacking him.

Chris P.O.V.

Chris watched the woman undress the horse and he couldn't help but admire her from his place behind the wheel. He felt useless from his place so he stepped out of the Jeep and walked up to the rather large horse and the opposing female.
"Is there anything I can do to help?"
Chris tried to not sound annoying but he winced as soon as he asked her that, he sounded like a teachers pet.

"Um...You can....You can untie the knot in the lead rope." (Y/n) said rather shyly. She handed Chris the lead rope and he took it from her, his fingers brushing hers briefly. He felt a spark there and it was unmistakable, he knew she felt it too but decided not to embark on that thought, for now at least.

     The woman continued to take the horses bridle and reigns off and she had took its saddle and a small blanket that was underneath it off and set them over into the back of what looked to be a ranger. As she was doing all of this he couldn't help but admire the way she worked, she looked like she had done this all her life, her hands worked harmoniously with all of the equipment as she undressed the horse. Once Chris untied the knot, he handed it back to y/n.
She put the bridle onto the horse and clipped the lead rope to him, but she didn't lead him away yet, she lingered to pet and rub him and the horse looked like he enjoyed every second of it.
"What's his name?"Chris was very curious.

"Storm, he's a big sweetheart" Storm's head perked up once she said his name, but he went back to enjoying the attention he was getting.

"He's really tall" It meant to be a statement and Chris sounded really shy. He scolded himself for sounding like a child but the woman merely chuckled at him.

"That, he is. He's a registered stallion, nineteen and half hands tall."(that's 78 inches or 6'5)

  Chris was momentarily confused, wondering what hands meant, but the female was quick to clarify.

"Horses are measured in hands, a hand is four inches. That would make him about six feet and......Five inches tall." (Y/n) smiled at him.

"Wow. He's taller than I am, I'm still amazed about how you managed to get up into the saddle." Chris couldn't help but bring it up. I mean, what else was he supposed to talk about? Hey stranger you're weird, I'm weird, let's make babies! He really had no idea what he was doing with his life at this point.

"I struggled a little bit, but it's easy once ya get the hang of it." She said it absentmindedly, like she had been asked this before. Chris winced, he didn't mean to bother her with his big mouth.

"Sorry if you get asked that a lot.. I was just curious."

"It's okay, I cant count how many times I've been asked that at horse shows or on trails." She chuckled softly but thoughtfully. Chris' head perked up.

"You do horse shows?" He could help his Curious George personality type.

"Yeah, I do. I've shown Storm in a couple, but I kind of felt like I had to since he is registered." She almost sounded sad when she said that. He wondered if she didn't like the shows. Chris wanted to change the subject so he just said the first thing that popped into his head.

"It's kind of dark out here."

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