Chapter 8

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Chris P.O.V

"It's kind of dark out here"

     Oh my god. He sounded so stupid, DUH IT WAS DARK!! It was like 7:00 at night in the summer! Of course it was dark! He brought his hand up to the back of his neck to rub it out of nervous habit.

"Um yeah. I've noticed" The female said sarcastically and giggled at him.
Chris thanked them heavens that she didn't think he was an idiot. Maybe she did think he was an idiot, but her laughter made him push away that thought. Chris laughed along with her out of his stupidity. As soon as they composed themselves, they both took deep breaths and decided that it was in fact dark out and that maybe they should head back.

(Y/N) P.O.V

     You climbed up into the ranger and started up the engine. You motioned for Chris to follow you once you were ready to head back to your small cabin.

You pulled the side by side into the barn and decided to just leave Storm's tack in the ranger. Tomorrow you would scold yourself for being so lazy but at the moment you had six feet of gold waiting on your doorstep. Chris was waiting patiently on your porch, shifting uncomfortably between his two feet. He looked very out of place to say the least, out there on your doorstep. You gently brushed past him and opened the door for him and motioned him inside.

"Welcome to my humble abode. It's not much but I don't get visitors all that often, so bear with me." You folded your hands nervously, waiting for a response. Waiting for maybe a 'wow' or maybe a 'I like what you did to the place'. But the first thing that came out of his pretty mouth was a mere question that had your palms sweating.

"Do you live alone here?" You were sure he just asked you out of courtesy, but part of you hoped it was out of his own personal preference.

"Yes I do. I've lived alone ever since I inherited this house. Depressing, yes I'm aware." She mentally slapped herself for sharing so much information about herself to pure stranger.

"Wait-. So you've done all of this by... all by yourself?" He looked slightly bewildered.

"Yes, Everything you see here is my own doing, except for the cabin itself and the barn." You stated proudly. You had made the fences, fertilized the fields, and even bred your own cattle, all by yourself. Chris just stood there awestruck by how independent you were and how you managed to do all of this. You just kind of stood there and swayed back and fourth, until you remembered what he was here for.

"Oh! I almost forgot! Please, have a seat and I'll get the map. Would you like anything to drink?" You tried to not sound annoying or pushy.

"No, thank you." He said as he sat down on your worn down couch.

Chris P.O.V

Chris sat down on the couch as
(Y/n) went to go find the map. He started to look at things more closely, certain things stood out to him, like the huge elk that hung on the wall with two fairly large deer on either side of it. She must be a hunter, judging by all of the calls and such placed around. But the one thing that stood out to him the most was an old record player in a black box. It already had a disk in it and he pondered what kind of music a woman like her would listen to with her free time, if she had any at all. This woman was very kind and he wondered how she kept her head on straight with everything going on within her property line, or at least what little portion he saw of it.

As he leaned back into the couch he took note of all the things he saw on his way from the horse pasture. It was mostly open land that he saw, save a few trees in the front yard and in the pasture. He kept hearing cows, but he didn't exactly know where they were, he would have to remember to ask her that when she got back. He was drawn out of his gaze by a thump of paws coming from above his head. From the outside it looked like this place had a second floor, and his suspicions were confirmed as he heard a pattern of paws barreling down what he assumed were stairs.

(Y/N) P.O.V

Where was this gosh darn map! You had been looking for it quite a while when you heard the patter of paws coming down the stairs.

Since your cabin was built around a staircase, the front door opened into a very cramped, foyer type thing, that led up the stairs with a door to each side. To the left, was the living room with a big stone fireplace. To the right lead to a dining room with another, smaller stone fireplace, which opened up to the kitchen. Everything in the cabin was rustic, from the checkered countertops, to the sliding barn door to the bathrooms. Once you were in the kitchen, to the left was a hallway that led to the living room and the back door. In the middle of the hallway was the laundry room on the way to the master bedroom. And on the corner, at the end of the hallway has a small half-bathroom. Up the stairs and to the right was a small bedroom that you used for an art studio. To the left was spacious spare bedroom with two full sized beds with a vanity in the corner. In the middle of the two rooms was a brick fireplace and across from it was a full bathroom. Your dog, Dreamer, camped out upstairs most times, because he could look out the window of the spare bedroom, so it wasn't uncommon for him to not hear you come inside.

Your black Labrador retriever, Dreamer, came barreling through the dining room, skidding to a hault at your feet and wagged his tail excitedly. You patted Dreamer's head and finally found what you were looking for.
"Ah-ha!" You finally found the map! You made your way down the hallway and into the living room where Chris was waiting patiently, an arm behind his head and leaned back onto the couch. You took a moment to look at his bicep that was bulging as it rested behind his head before he leaned up when he saw you with the map, such a shame. You were enjoying the view.

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