Chapter 25

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Chris P.O.V.

I don't know how long she stayed out there with him. The sun was setting fast and it was getting late and we had to face the cold hard truth. I called Jessie, Comet, and Storm all into the barn for the night, then I went to go get (y/n).

When I came back, she was still sobbing. It drove nails through my heart seeing her like this. She hiccuped and her breathing stuttered. That hit the nail on the head for me. A tear rolled down my own cheek as I creeped up to her and Frank's form. Without any words, I gave her a look of regret and she knew what was about to happen.

"Nonono! I'm not leaving him!" She started to scream as I tried to pry her off of his body.

I hoisted her small form over my shoulder and held her legs down as she beat her fists on my back, trying to get back to him. I stood tall and marched to the Jeep. I gently placed her into the Jeep, by now she had her arms crossed, facing away from me with tears still streaming down her face. Once I got I into the Jeep, I made sure to lock the doors of it so she wouldn't escape.

I wasted no time tearing down the road to the cabin. Once I parked, she jumped out of the car and bolted inside, fumbling with the key in the lock, then scrambling to get inside once she opened the door, not bothering to close it. I didn't even have the strength to get out. I just sat there with my head on the steering wheel, tears still coming down my face. It was pitch black darkness when I finally composed myself and went inside. Be strong, for her.

I searched the house for her, only to find her in the bathtub of the upstairs bathroom, breathing erratically and just staring far off. I rapped my knuckles on the doorframe and she didn't even cast a glance my way. I stared at her form for a second, then went to the closet of her bedroom and grabbed a throw blanket from the top shelf.

I went back into the bathroom to see her breathing even, but fresh tears on her face. I slowly made my way over to the tub and slid in behind her. I grabbed the throw blanket and gently laid it over her. She turned and buried her face into my shoulder, sighing shakily.

(Y/N) P.O.V.

Me and Chris just laid there for a while. In the empty bathtub, it seemed peaceful, like a getaway from everything that had happened today. The cold tub walls acted like a barrier for any cruel and depressing thoughts that may come flying my way. Once my eyes started to get heavy, I finally spoke the thought that had been floating around in my mind.

"Why do bad things always happen to me?" My voice betrayed me and was shaky.

Chris sighed softly and looked down at me, and kissed my forehead before rubbing my arm.

"Bad things happen to the best of people. Everything happens for a reason." He looked far off.

I sniffled and just nestled further into him. After a while my eyes got heavy and I was enveloped in a dreamless, peaceful sleep.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Chris stayed up a while after(y/n) went to sleep, replaying all of the events that had happened today. While she slept, he would occasionally kiss the top of her head, just relieved that she was still there with him, and to make sure that this wasn't just one big terrible dream. Chris fell asleep after a while. So there they were, two fiancés asleep in the empty bathtub. This was peek dysfunctional family hours.

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