Chapter Fourteen: Moon Song

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Eldwyn and I met back up with the other half of our company at the end of Minton Hills and told them of our battle with the land tortoise. The knights were remorseful that they hadn't been there for the battle; that is their purpose and they longed to take up their swords to protect their High Prince. They would be surprised to know that it was I who most envied them.

Eldwyn joined me on horseback again as we took Amnesty Road to the Stargon Kingdom. The area outside the castle walls was open and inviting; sparse trees and lush bushes to the affront of the beginning of autumn. The openness of the land allowed them to see enemies from miles away if they were to come. It was a nice change of pace from the hilly horror we had just faced.

"I can sense your relief," said Eldwyn in my ear. "You're happy to be close to home."

"I am," I said with a half-smile. "Stargon knows me almost as well as my Sentria. I won't have to sleep with an eye open tonight."

As we approached the steel bridge lowered over the moat. I could see the uppermost portion of Stargon's golden castle, its high, symmetrical towers looked sharp enough to pierce the sky, and from the main tower, the flag of the golden-winged lion waved fervently in the air.

"Should I walk in?" asked Eldwyn as Brio took us over the bridge.

"No," I said, "you have fought with us bravely. You are one of us."

A guardsman atop the castle walls made the announcement of our arrival, prompting two trumpeteers dressed to play us the "Moon Song" in honor of my arrival. It was Sentria's triumphant anthem that evoked imagery of the gates of Haven opening up for you.

I rode in first and kept my chin raised in my princely manner. The cheers were pleasant to hear, like taking a steamy bath after a bitter day. It had felt like a lifetime since I had been this close to home and I missed the familiarity dearly.

I nodded to the crowd casually and saw their faces turn into questioning stares at the sight of the relic behind me. Most civilians had never seen one before. They stayed deep in the woods per the ordinance that prohibited them from entering any of the kingdoms in the southern realm. As the Prince to the Sentrian throne, I was exempt from such rules.

We rode up to the tall and regal Stargon Castle that glistened so bright that you almost had to cover your eyes. We stopped at the steps as King Marbury and the stately Queen Anne came down them hand in hand. The king wore blue and gold striped robes with a long cape that trailed behind him on the steps. His queen wore a royal blue dress, slim and shiny and as luxurious as her high golden hair. The kings' councilmen, their son Lucas, and his three sisters, Anne, Emilia, and Gwendoline remained gathered in a line at the top of the steps watching us.

"Young Prince Darren has returned!" said King Marbury with a belly laugh. His shiny gray beard was round and full and his hair was long too. He stared at me with his bright blue eyes and smiled with rosy cheeks. "What a surprise. It's been too long since your last visit. It's unfortunate it had to be under such circumstances, but that is the way of things."

"Far too long," I said with a nod and all the councilmen kneeled. "I'm happy to have returned to the southern realms. Stargon is my second home."

"And we are happy to welcome you." King Marbury looked around me at Eldwyn uncomfortably. "I see that you have a guest."

"Yes, this is the relic Eldwyn. He has fought bravely at my side and ensured that I survived my ordeals. He is a friend to me and to the southern realm. I have sworn a life debt to him and I shall see it honored."

King Marbury paused, keeping his eyes on Eldwyn as if he was some untrained pet that he didn't want ruining the expensive carpet.

"Well...any friend of Prince Darren is a friend of ours. One of my valets will see you to your room. I'm sure you're tired after your travels."

"We have just come from a great battle, my Lord," said Captain Ral at my right side. The High Prince stood his ground against a great land tortoise with might and bravery. He is an honor to the Colress name."

"Impressive, Prince Darren," said King Marbury with a smile. "If the throne wasn't in your future, you might've made one of the realm's bravest knights. And for you, Captain Marbury, rest assured that you and your men will be awarded for your deeds. You have saved the High Prince and once again proven yourself to be our most noble knight of our age."

"It is mine privilege to serve the southern realm."

We went to our chambers and rested after greeting King Marbury and his family. I was exhausted after our last battle and for the first time in days, I felt truly safe. Eldwyn was in the next room over and I worried about him despite myself. This was the first time a relic had stayed in a southern royal castle. To our grace, King Marbury was an accommodating man and he let him stay in a guest room, but not every person around us was so generous and I had to look out for him.

Worry got the better of me and once I bathed and changed into Stargonian robes, a gold blouse, and blue trousers, I went to visit him. The soldier stepped aside as I got to his door and I knocked upon it thrice. He opened it with glee and I took in his new appearance. He wore a white shirt, tied at the top by two strings and black trousers that stopped just below the knees with white tights underneath. It should have been a humorous sight, but I found him remarkable.

"How are your accommodations?" I asked, looking around suspiciously as if there could have been a trap set in the room.

"They are beyond imaginings," he said with a smile. "I've never had a room this big to myself. Have you come to warn me of the perils of castle life like in Cordath?"

"No—yes," I said, flusteredly. "What I mean to say is that I only wanted to ensure that you were well. I know this could be an overwhelming change for you."

"I'm adaptable. I welcome change and I want to learn what I'm meant to learn in every new situation. There's a lesson in everything, even the unknown."

"Well, I wish I had your comfort with the unknown." I set my eyes on Eldwyn. He looked relaxed, as if he was at home in his forest and I envied that. "Just be sure to call upon me if ever you need me. Don't hesitate, can you make me that promise?"

Eldwyn smiled and cocked his head to the side. It made him seem like a puppy. "But of course, knight. Anything for you."

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