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I made dinner for the guests, Dante staying in the kitchen to watch me work. He smiled a lot, each time I cut stuff up quickly, or moved something heavy.

"Why do you cook?" He asked once I started cleaning up.

"Because I like it, and I've done it a lot." I shrugged and looked up at him, his green eyes kept shining like they were lights.

"What is your favorite thing to make?" He moved closer, circling me again.

"Risotto with grilled steak, rare. Dessert would be a simple vanilla cake." I told him as he came to rest his hip beside me on the counter.

"Sounds sweet." He smiled and tilted his head and seemed to study me.

"What?" I asked and gulped, what did he see when he looked at me? His mate? Perfection? All my flaws? A ball and chain?

"You seem to glow." He reaches out and even as his hands almost cradled my face I basically pushed my cheek into his palm and sighed at the contact. He moved closer, his legs touching mine.

His eyes were focused on our skin touching, his hand moving from my cheek back into my scalp, pushing the scrunchy out of my hair and letting it fall to the floor.

"Nice and soft. Beautiful." I heard him muttering and I gulped and looked down to his lips, they were so close. If he kissed me now I would have no problem remembering my first ever kiss was before my first ever date.

I didn't realize I had moved my own hands to his sides until he leaned in and I tensed my hands. They curled into his suit jacket and I seemed to pull him closer even as he leaned down.

His lips touched the tip of my nose, down towards my cheek his hand had been touching before hitting the corner of my mouth.

"Breathe dearie, I can't have you passing out mid first kiss with me." He told me, backing his lips away from me and smiling at me again.

"You make me nervous." I told him and felt myself blush as he chuckled.

"Why?" He asked like he already knew the answer.

"You'd be my first everything, date, kiss..." I trailed on, letting the pause finish what I didn't want to add on.

"Well... consider me honored. Why you're nervous is natural, but just know, inexperience is only going in your favor. You'll learn you are about to have a very jealous mate. I'm protective, and possessive, and all around caveman when it comes to you. I've know you less that 24 hours and already I know if a man touches you, hugs you, shakes your hand.... he'll be a little more worse for wear if he doesn't already have a mate." He kissed my cheek, making my face flame up again.

"Well... I'll be sure to avoid bumping into anyone." I looked up and blinked and smiled softly at the mere thought of him being possessive over me.

"Now... where is your favorite place to eat when you don't have to cook?" That was a odd question I didn't have an answer for. I always cooked.

"I don't know, maybe the bar?"

"Sweetheart, on your first date we will not be in a bar. How about somewhere nice?" He asked and I shrugged. "Do you have someone at home you need to tell about me?" He asked, a small twinkle in his eye and I nodded.

"My father should be home." I wondered how well and smooth this would go, but I knew my father would be happy for me.

"Let's get you home so you can explain why you might be out late tonight." He took my hand, pulling me along and he helped me into my jacket before we left. I led him down the street. It had cooled off a lot since this morning which was great, and I felt his hand tugging me in. I let our shoulders touch all the way to my home.

Lyla and her Leprechaun (Book 2) {Finished on Amazon}Where stories live. Discover now