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He didn't talk to me until the end of the day. Even then he only asked if I was ready to go at the night.

I got to the house and went right back to the kitchen, getting things ready for dinner. I felt my feet ache and while I set the table I worked my ankles. I set three places despite hearing Dante leave ten minutes after he dropped me off.

I was just hoping that he would be back for the night.

I made pork chops, smothered in butter, green beans, and white rice. I set the plates and went to start cutting them when my dad took his plate away to his room so he could sleep right after he was done and I ate alone.

Putting Dantes plate in the fridge covered, I went up to my room. Taking a hot shower before going right to bed, laying down and curling up. The loneliness my dragon felt was breaking me inside, and I tried as hard as I could not to cry.

I was fast asleep, after only letting some tears fall, when the bedroom door creaked open and I sat up and looked over quickly. Calming down when I saw Dante standing there and leaning against the wall.

I got up all the way out of bed, standing at the foot and just watched him as he took off his jacket and walked closer.

"I'm sorry." I told him with a barely contained sob and he shook his head, rushing the rest of the distance to pull me into him. I rested my forehead on his shoulder and I cried out all the tears I hadn't wanted to shed earlier when I was alone.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. I am the one who is sorry. After an hour of trying to ignore you I knew what I was doing was wrong. I should have come to you then, but I was ashamed. I didn't want you upset at me, especially this close to us meeting." He gave the top of my head kiss after kiss as his hands ran through my damp hair.

His hands were cold, and it made me feel more awake the more he did it. I could tell he was here to sleep, and he hadn't eaten his dinner.

"Come on." I pulled away, ignoring my tears and pulled him out of the room and down the stairs until I set  him at the table. I moved around the kitchen and got his plate hot before seeing my fathers plate in the sink. I washed that as he started eating and I moved to sit beside him while he finished.

But he had other plans.

He pushed his chair out a bit. Pulling me onto his lap as he set his fork and knife down and he buried his face in my neck and took a couple deep breaths. He held me tight, taking it down to my chest and I realized he was listening to my heartbeat.

"You need to eat. Then we can go to bed." I told him, running my hands through the short hairs on the back of his neck.

He kept me in his arms as he finished it. I got up to wash the plate but he kept me down, pushing me back in his seat and I watched him wash his own plate, once he was done he walked over to me, putting his hands out.

He pulled me up, put my hands on his waist, and he pulled me up the stairs again. Pushing me towards the bed I went right there, climbing on the bed, and I got to watch him undress.

He took off one button at a time, moving around the room and then pulling it off his arms. I felt my mouth water, and I gulped and looked over his body as he made eye contact with me and pulled at his belt. He undid it and set it on the bed before his hands went to the button of his pants.

I looked away and felt the blush rising to my cheeks. He laughed lightly and I heard his pants hit the floor in a soft thump.

He walked around the bed, going to the side he had been on last night and climbing in. I looked up when I saw him pull the blankets over his lower half.

I looked over and moved to lay back on my side. "I don't want to talk about the past." I told him and he nodded. "Not even yours."

"Not my past, or not if I've had women in the past? Or been married or have kids?"

"Kids I will deal with... you loving someone else and marrying them might need to be explained. But no comments on women you've had before."

"Ok." He nodded at me and leaned back now as well. Facing me and seeming to wait.

"I don't want to talk about Jaxson either. My father is going to take care of it." I told him and he nodded slowly and reached over. "All I want you to know is... I didn't like him. He was creepy and scared me. I knew it was a mistake the second I was standing next to him."

"Then let's not talk about him. Or my past. I don't have kids or an ex wife and I have never been married." He told me quick and I giggled at his smile and his eyes took on the green glow again.

"Why are your eyes glowing now?"

"Because I like the way you look when you're smiling and giggling." He told me and his hand came over, resting on my hip before moving up to the curve of my waist that seemed dramatically thinner since I was on my side and he pulled me across the bed.

Right into his arms.

I felt his heartbeat, it was racing and I was only forcing myself to stay awake to listen to it.

"You have to sleep." He whispered as his hands trailed though my hair, his little finger grazing my neck.

"I wanna listen to your heart beat." I whispered back and he took a deep breath before he started to hum.

The longer he hummed the slower his heart rate got and the closer my eyes were to closing.

I heard him start to sing in another language and I cracked an eye open but he hummed again and made my eyes relax. I fell asleep, happy the day ended better than I thought it would.

Dante's voice sang again and again before I could see myself dancing with him in my head. I was in a white dress, he was in a suit, and we were dancing in circles and he twirled me around and around until I was out of breath against him, this time when I looked down, we were naked, sweating, and both happy.

A dream can only be a wish...

At least until it comes true.

Lyla and her Leprechaun (Book 2) {Finished on Amazon}Where stories live. Discover now