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I walked around work the next day with a skip in my step. I got everything done for the meals, and then I was putting the dishes away after washing when I heard music start to play.

I looked around the kitchen and didn't see anything so I figured it was someone upstairs. I finished with my organization and wiped down the counters before feeling him.

I looked over my shoulder and saw him leaning against the door jam.

"What?" I asked with a laugh.

"You're coming with me tonight." He told me and I felt confused.

"Going home?" I asked and he shook his head and held out his hands. I wiped mine off on the towel and hung it up before walking to him.

"You're coming with me to Monaco." He told me and winked before I felt something weird happening. Looking down my jeans turned into a pair of tights, and my shirt moved to make a long dark orange dress.

My shoes turned into black heels and I looked up at him to see him nodding as he looked me over. "How did you do that?" I asked looking down and he laughed lightly and pulled me along.

"You're about to see what I can really do. I have the fae magic and the leprechaun luck in me." He told me and we walked out, a limo waiting for us and I giggled as he bowed and opened the door.

"But what about the bed and breakfast? Tomorrow-"

"The guests check out tomorrow morning. Charlie is coming to do that and I have bought the entire hotel for a week. Have a before honeymoon." He winked and I shook my head and laughed.

"My father wants me a virgin when I wed." I shook my finger at him and he laughed and nodded slowly and bit his lower lip.

"We don't have to do anything. No sex, no kissing, don't even have to go if you don't really want to." He told me and seemed to almost close the door.

"What's in Monaco?"

"A bit of fun." He told me and I bit my lip. "It's where I live when I'm not working, I wanted to show it to you." He told me and I nodded slowly and bit my lip.

"I have to pack-"

"No. I have already bought you enough clothes." He pulled the limo door open and I gave him a look before getting in and looking around. I had never been in one before. There was so much room for just us.

"Have you been on a private jet before?"

"I've never even been in a limo before now. What does that tell you?"

"That I'm going to spoil you rotten." He laughed and turned my face to his and leaned down, giving me a peck before we were moving.

He held me tight to his chest and as we got closer to the city lights I opened the window and watched. I could feel his eyes on me and I leaned back into him and when we got closer to what I would imagine a private air field would look like we got out.

He pulled me toward a black plane with gold lettering and the doors opened up for us. He nodded to who I guess opened the door and pulled me along until I was inside.

He side stepped and let me go through the little doorway first and I looked around. The seats were leather. The table were all oak, it smelled so nice. Like a new car.

I gulped and looked around before seeing the seats with the belts opened and I sat down and looked back up and over to see Dante talking with someone through the door to the pilots.

I clipped my belt as soon as I sat down and he moved through the cabin, looking through a door and nodding slowly before walking back towards me.

"If you want we can go lay down after take off. It's going to be a long flight." He told me and I felt confused. It didn't look like the couches were that comfortable. I shrugged as I thought about it and he smiled and sat next to me.

Lyla and her Leprechaun (Book 2) {Finished on Amazon}Where stories live. Discover now