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"Lyla, dear, I'm changing clothes why don't you and then we can go to a market." Dante told me and I nodded slowly. "I will get our bags. Go up stairs, door right in front of it is the master." He told me and I watched him go around to the front.

He continued out the front door and I stopped at the stairs and jogged up. Looking at the four doors on either side before seeing the one directly in front of the end of the stairs.

I pushed it open, saw elegant paintings on the wall, a balcony with two doors leading out. There was two chairs out there and a small table. Walking farther into the room there was a big bed with like a bench next to it. I saw some books, a printer, and notebooks on just one side. The other was just a way to crawl in.

It kind of looked like Dante would be working in bed. Or that he was at least set up to. I walked over and turned to sit on it. Wondering if it was as firm as it looked. I basically sank down, my hips did a weird cracking sound as I sank all the way back to lay flat.

I heard the downstairs door open and I tried to sit up but it just felt too good so I relaxed my body and let my back take the time to relax.

I took a deep breath and knew the moment Dante entered the room. I heard the bags hit the floor and he laughed lightly and came over to stand above me.

"I guess you like the bed." He smiled and I nodded slowly. "I have to admit, this is an amazing sight. Seeing you on my bed."

"Get used to it. I might just get out of bed for the cooking classes only." I told him and turned a bit so I could crawl up towards the pillows and he laughed.

"I do agree that you need a good resting vacation, but like I told you on the plane... I can't keep you in bed, I made plans to avoid taking you-"

"You mean deflowering your virgin mate?" I cut him off, seeing his face pale just slightly. I giggled again and turned onto my back once I got the pillow to my fluffiness.

"Lyla, we can't just-"

"How about you come up here and hold me. Show me what it feels like to be in your bed instead of us cramped in mine or on a plane together." I raised my knees, feeling bold and my dragon was starting to burn up, heating my skin.

It was a reflex, a way to make sure my body would relax his into us, mating us, and when I was in heat it would make it all that much easier for us to conceive.

He raised himself up onto the bed, his hands making their way up towards my face, and he kept going, smirking at me as he grabbed another pillow from my side and tucking it under his chin as he looked at me.

"You my hot little mate, are making this entire room hot. I am not taking your virginity today." His hands reached up, tracing over my nose before tapping the tip and smiling as he got up slightly and leaned over me. "But I will hold you, and kiss you, and make sure you are very very relaxed..." He leaned down, skimming his lips over my cheeks, going towards my eyes so I closed them. I felt something, like it was crawling up my skin. I blinked them open and saw him across the room, coming out of two doors that showed it was a closet behind him.

"What just happened?" I asked and looked down to my legs. I was wearing tights, a green dress with a gold chain around my neck that led down past my boobs.

"You took a nap while I got ready to go."

"I don't remember falling asleep." I told him and he smirked.

"I kissed your eyes love. I put you to sleep." He told me, walking over and kissing my forehead and then his hands skimmed down my sides. "I do like you in dark green."

"Is that because you're part leprechaun?" I asked with a laugh and put my hands over his shoulders and he smirked.

"I am slightly offended you think that is why I like green. I like green because of what it looks like on you. It's bringing out your freckles, makes you look like you are glowing." He smiled and I shook my head.

Lyla and her Leprechaun (Book 2) {Finished on Amazon}Where stories live. Discover now