Porcelyn Cracked

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The year is 2650 C.E. The world is in a new Renaissance, after going through a dark age that lasted over a hundred years. Global economy is rising, everyone works and has jobs, there's always a chance for making your life better. People don't go hungry, but there is still unrest.

After your 18 years of schooling you have classes that you can take in your trade of choice. After two classes, you are given a job that pays your bills and includes housing and meals for you. You can take higher classes to get promotions and higher pay, but the higher the classes, the higher the cost. Though there is supposed to be opportunity for all, some employers raise their employees boarding and meal fees when they are elevated to the next pay grade, leaving them in an endless cycle of never having enough to take more classes.

Though crime is not as rampant as it once was, people will do almost anything to get the extra money so that they can get to another level in their jobs.

Science is at a forefront, brothels are clean and STD's, Cancer, and several other widespread illnesses have been cured, because of this a global population control edict was started when an individual reaches the age of 65, they are painlessly euthanized, unless an appeal is granted. Global warming has been halted, people using electric vehicles or going back to horse and cart for local travel since teleporters are commonplace for longer travels.

Born from science and the need for money is the Porcelyn Program. People can sign a contract when they turn 18 that donates their bodies in the unlikely event of their premature death. The body is cleaned, the heart is removed and replaced with a mechanical pump and the blood is replaced with a chemical and neurotransmitters to send the signals from the brain to the body correctly. The brain is altered surgically to remove any emotions as well as any memories of someone's past life. Their muscles are made better, they are made stronger, and their skin is coated with an enamel that is durable and hard to break. This give them a pale look, but still keeps the skin soft to the touch, resembling porcelain.

If someone donates their body, and the body is found to be useable (attractive and between the ages of 18 and 30) the family members that are still alive receive a bonus payment of 5,000 credits. If a body is not used, they do not receive any of the credits and are left in the endless circle.

The wealthy buy the units for 10,000 for a base model. More attractive units sell higher as well as the more physically fit the model is the higher the price. The units are used for anything and everything their owner wants, from household work to administrative duties, to even being sexual companions. They are each programmed with a hard drive in their brain that works like a computer and allows them to have a quick mind and agility, as well as nano machines in their body to repair any damage that can occur with normal usage.

There are some people who still view the units as a dead body and have trouble interacting with them in their daily life. But most of the population is too poor to even afford one so this problem is left to the upper classes that can buy the units.

For some, poverty is worse than death.

For one Porcelyn, death is just the start.

Porcelyn Cracked- rough 1st editWhere stories live. Discover now