Chapter 1

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Edward looked at his reflection in the mirror, his eyes reflected his years back to him, so many years and so many things lost.

Your eyes carry too many worries, love. He could hear Anna's words in his head, as clear as if she was there with him now. He turned to look behind him, but the only one with him was his Porcelyn, Raye, who was hanging up his coat in the closet and moving to straighten the papers on his writing desk. So different, so unaware of the cares that we all carry. Edward thought, looking at Raye's hair fall over her shoulders, so blonde it was almost white.

"Raye." Edward's gruff voice called to her, she looked at him, still holding the papers she was arranging, her ice blue eyes always made him feel like there was still a person in there able to hear him.

"Yes, My Lord?" Her voice was soft and sweet but rang clear in the large room.

"Come and help me get dressed for this silly event, I can't seem to adjust my tie properly." He smiled.

"Of course, My Lord." She sat the papers down and crossed to him, her soft white hands deftly arranging the tie into a suitable knot. Edward gently took her hands in his when she was done and looked at her fondly.

"You've been such a comfort to me these last few years Raye, I want to thank you for all that you have done. I hope you've been happy with me and my boys."

"I am here to serve, My Lord," Raye looked at him and slightly held her head to the left, "I have no emotions, so my happiness is of no matter to anyone."

Edward laughed, and planted a small kiss on her hands before letting them go. Raye went back to her cleaning and filing his papers. My last papers. Edward thought.

A knock on the door stirred him from his thoughts. Raye walked to the door to open it, then she performed a small curtsey for Edwards son and heir, Robin, before letting him in the room.

"My Lord," Raye bowed her head slightly to Edward, "if you will excuse me, I will prepare myself for the party and see if there is any need of me in the ballroom setting up."

"Of course, Raye, I'll see you at the entrance to the ballroom in an hour." Edward nodded in her direction, and she stole silently and gracefully out of the room.

Robin allowed Raye to pass as he walked towards his father, Raye shut the door behind her and walked down the hallway to her small chamber.

The room was small, though Edward had offered to let her have one of the many larger rooms in the mansion, but she had told him that she did not require much space, since Porcelyns don't sleep or eat. She sat in front of her small vanity and started to brush her hair. Her brain humming with things that she needed to get accomplished before the party began, getting dressed, helping to carry the food into the ballroom, and make sure that the cake that Robin had ordered was perfect.

Once her hair was brushed and pulled up, she walked to her dresser and pulled out her formal gown. She laid the dress softly on the clean spot on the bed that was covered with books and papers that she stored there. She quickly stepped out of her household dress and took a small scrubbing pad to her body to make sure that it was clean and polished, then she pulled the dress on and deftly laced the corset on her own. When she was done, she stood in front of the long mirror and straightened ruffles in her skirt and the long, draped sleeves. The color was a deep purple along the hem of the dress at the bottom and got lighter as it came up to the top of the corset, the sleeves picked up where the color was on the dress.

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