Chapter 2

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The next morning was a rather quiet one for Raye, she had grown used to Lord Edward rising at daybreak to start his day, whereas Jamie slept for most of the morning, having spent his nights with various women or drinking with his companions, sometimes alone in his room. Raye spent her time in her room, reviewing the daily news feeds, or researching ways that she could entertain Jamie if he needed to be taken away from the engagement party. She had her orders, and nothing that Jamie could say would negate those, since Robin was elder, and she knew that Jamie would know that fact, even if he didn't like it.

If Jamie had purchased her from the factory, then his order would have been absolute, but since she was bought by Lord Edward and then handed down from son to son, elder sons still had the right to issue orders that would supersede the orders from the younger siblings. The only way for Jamie to override the order was to buy Raye from his brother, and Robin wouldn't sell her to him so long as he could request her help to keep Jamie reigned in at public functions. Rules and regulations were finite on the ownership of Porcelyns, this was set up to make sure that there weren't thousands running around without a clear idea of who their owners were, or those who had lost their owners. Should that ever happen, a unit was taken back to the factory and either resold or decommissioned if it was in poor enough shape.

Raye's internal chronometer dinged when it was eight thirty in the morning and she once again slipped silently out of her room, past Jamie's bed, where Artemis was helping Jamie to wake and get up for the day, and out to the kitchens to get his breakfast for him. She had on a royal blue dress that made her skin look even more polished than normal, so much that it seemed as though her skin had a faint glow to it. She gathered the breakfast on a tray and poured a large pitcher of black coffee to also carry with the tray. She placed a silver cover over the food and made her way back to Jamie's room. Along the way she passed the ballroom that was open and getting set up for the coming party in two days.

Raye hurried down the hall so that Jamie's food and coffee wouldn't get cold along the way, once at the door, she opened it to find Artemis dressing Jamie in his shirt and pants for the day. He was wearing a grey button up shirt with a collar and black pants today, as she closed the door behind her, he turned to her.

"Ah, Raye, I see you've brought my breakfast." He stretched out his arms as Artemis ran a lint brush over them.

"Yes, Jamie," Raye replied, "shall I place it on the desk?"

"No, Raye," he smiled at her, waving Artemis away, "I don't ever use my desk. Place it on the coffee table."

Raye did as she was told, taking the cover from the tray and setting the items out in a neat order, as well as pouring the coffee into his cup and adding two scoops of sugar, as she had observed him doing often. Jamie walked to the couch and sat down, turning on the news feeds on his viewer while Raye and Artemis made the bed, picked up and tossed his pajamas down the laundry chute, and started their assigned cleaning routines. Raye was cleaning the window as Artemis was sweeping the bathroom floor. Jamie sat and flipped through the screens of news, as if nothing interesting was happening outside of his little bubble here in the manor. Raye busied herself with dusting and straightening the room, she moved from task to task as Jamie clicked over to a popular streaming show. The morning had turned out rather quiet, until Raye had to tell Jamie about Robin's order.

She noticed that Jamie had finished eating his breakfast and went to clean the dishes and return them to the kitchen, when Jamie noticed her.

"Raye, book an escort for the ball, make it a redhead this time. I'm in a mood for someone spicy." He chuckled to himself.

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