Chapter 4

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Seth Ramis had been one of the foremost repairmen and developers for Porcelyn units for the better part of five years. In his mid 30's now, he had once been the youngest expert in the field when he was only 20. He pioneered and helped develop the scrubbing process that had taken care of several issues that others had ran into when the production was moving into a global phase. He had encountered the late Lord Edward several years ago at the auction where Raye was purchased, they had talked about the process and the repercussions if it wasn't done correctly. That conversation continued when Lord Edward passed, and he was contacted by the new Lord Robin, who had inherited a percentage of the ownership of the Porcelyn program.

Seth had been tracking down units that had new errors in their programs that were popping up, he was trying to determine the trend when Robin had contacted him saying that his own unit was showing the same errors. During his travels, he had decided to keep a home base lab in Cardiff since it was easy driving to and from several travel ports, unlike his previous home in Philadelphia. He had rushed to the manor as fast as he could without a teleporter, interested to see what this unit had done, as she was a unit he remembered well. She had taken to the program exceedingly well, her alabaster skin already rather white and her white blonde hair and ice blue eyes had made her look more ethereal after the washing process and her skin took on a soft glow, she looked the definition of pure, almost like an elf in a fairy tale that had been brought to life.

Seth's cab pulled up in front of the manor, he paid the driver and left a generous tip for such a long drive. It was starting to rain slightly as he got out of the car and grabbed his suitcase from the trunk. Pulling his coat closer around him, he walked up the steps to the entrance of the manor, the doors opened and he was greeted by a butler.

"Mr. Ramis," the butler bowed, "Lord Robin has asked that you join him the moment you arrive."

"Of course." Seth answered. "Please allow me to set down my suitcase and wet coat."

"Vance will take those to the guest quarters, please follow me." The butler held his hand out to indicate the way.

"Very well." Seth shook out of his coat and set the suitcase down, the butler nodded to a young man who was behind the now closed door, who took his bag and coat. Seth turned to the young man. "Please set turn the heat up in my room, I'm not interested in catching a cold." He chuckled, the young man nodded and smiled warmly at him, as he turned away Seth saw that he had a small ponytail of hair neatly tucked into a bun at the base of his neck.

"Lead the way 'Jeeves'." Seth said to the butler who gave him a reproachful look. "Sorry." He muttered quickly, his head moving down and suppressing a smile.

He was led down two long hallways until he reached the closed doors to Lord Robin's suite, the butler raised his gloved hand and knocked sharply, three quick bursts. When they heard a muffled reply, the butler opened the door and went inside, turning on lights as he went. Seth walked in behind him and saw Lord Robin had been asleep and was now sitting on the side of his bed in just a set of pajama bottoms, rubbing his face with his right hand while his left hand seemed to be propping him up.

"Mr. Ramis has arrived, and I have brought him directly to you, as you requested Lord Robin." The butler said, before nodding and waiting for an order.

"Thank you, Dale. Please have some coffee sent, and whatever Mr. Ramis would like to drink." Robin said groggily, standing to grab his house robe. The butler looked expectantly at Seth.

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