Chapter 10

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The days stretched on, each second was torture for Evangeline, she didn't know when Raye would come bursting through the doors to attack, and worse still, she didn't know if Robin would be stupid enough to try to fight back.

For Robin, the revelations of that night had never been able to move from his mind. He barely ate his food, he rarely slept more than an hour or two at a time, and he shied away from Evangeline's touch with a hollow look in his eyes.

It was the morning of the fourth week since Seth had awoken and told them what happened to Raye, when Evangeline felt she couldn't be silent anymore.

"Robin, please, just contact the law." She said as she sat in bed next to him that morning. "They can find her and take care of her better than leaving you to do it."

"They couldn't track her Evangeline." Robin sighed. "Seth has already tried but she has burnt her wireless card after she hacked the public records to look for Jamie. The law is as helpless as we are, though they did send us some more guards."

"So? They can still handle this better than us! Let's leave it to them and just leave." Evangeline placed her hand on his.

"We can't just leave. I can't just ask someone to risk their life for me and my family if I'm not willing to do it myself." Robin said, sitting up next to her.

"I know that, but you need to remember that I am your family now." Evangeline took his hand and then slowly placed it on her stomach. "We are your family."

"We?" Robin's face looked confused for a moment before breaking into a wide smile. "You mean, you're? We're?" Robin stuttered.

"Yes." Evangeline smiled, rubbing his hand as it still lay on her stomach.

"When?" Robin started to ask.

"Apparently before the wedding, since I'm about six to seven weeks along according to the doctor." She took her hand and placed it on the side of his face. "Please don't do this. I can't do this without you. Our child needs us both, Robin."

"Seth is working on a way." Robin replied, taking her other hand and kissing it lightly. "But you should go and keep safe." He added, looking into her eyes. His thoughts kept turning to a dark alley where his mother's face looked out at him. Would he be as bad as her? Would he ignore Evangeline for duty as his father possibly did?

"No." Evangeline said resolutely, breaking Robin from his thoughts. "Not without you." She shook her head.

"I have to help, Evangeline." Robin replied. "You know why."

"Yes, I know why." Evangeline knew that he held feelings for this dead rage filled girl. "But I don't have to understand them." She pulled the sheets off of her legs and quickly left the bed.

"Evangeline?" Robin asked softly.

"Robin, please." She turned responding to him.

"No, it's not that, but I need to know." He sat at the end of the bed. "It's mine, right?" He asked. Evangeline's face flushed, and it felt like her heart had dropped to her stomach.

"Yes." She answered before turning back towards the bathroom and closing herself in. She had to stifle a small laugh as the nervousness ran through her body at the question.

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