Chapter 8

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Seth heaved the heavy pile of papers onto the desk in the lab, he had combed through every page, every word, for hours on end it seemed. He needed rest and was hoping to get some in a bed instead of on the couch in the lab area. His eyes were bloodshot, and his hair was matted and greasy, his chin was covered in course stubble, he looked like a shell of himself.

Raye turned her attention from the vid screen to look at him, her hand was outstretched over a small lantern, the flame licking her skin and charring parts of it black from the fingertips up.

"And what did you find?" Raye asked, her hair was pulled back in a disheveled braid, her clothing was stained and torn, but her cold black and white eyes were firmly on him.

"There are several other units that are like you, though you were the only one who acted against a human." Seth said, taking his glasses off and rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Did you find out anything more about Jamie's accomplice?" She asked.

"The only other person outside of his family that he has been connected to was a man named Evan, and he apparently died a few years ago." Seth answered, placing his glasses back on. "He was disfigured in some way, the report doesn't specify, and he bled to death before help could arrive to save him." Seth pushed his glasses up a bit more. "It seems that Jamie was the one to call in help for him but said he had only found him well after the attack had happened. They never apprehended a suspect."

"Perhaps that was him." Raye said, taking her hand from the flame and rubbing her fingers together, recalling the taste of blood in her mouth and his screams as he backed away from her. "I may have to just ask Jamie myself when I pay him a visit."

"And when would that be?" Seth asked, looking at the vid screen and seeing Lord Robin and Lady Evangeline waving happily from the front of their manor, as the crowd threw rice, apparently just married, and completely unaware as to what may be coming for them soon. Seth prayed silently that Robin had seen his note and figured out the code, but based on the happy faces on the video, that was probably not the case.

"Soon." Raye replied. "And after do that, I need to find these other units, if Nanos are restoring my brain and memories, then perhaps I'm not alone." She held out her hand towards Seth.

"Here." Seth handed her a small tablet with the information he had been gathering on it. "What are you going to do?"

"First, I'm going to get my revenge and then I'm going to find the other units and I'm going to liberate them." Raye answered, looking over the information on the tablet. "Do try to keep up, Mr. Ramis," she taunted, "for all your reputation I had thought you to be smart enough to figure it all out."

"Raye, they'll go mad if their memories are restored. Like y-..." He started but stopped.

"Like I am?" She smiled at him cruelly. "Seth, I'm not mad. I'm enraged. This happened to me and then I was sent to the man who was responsible for it?" She set the tablet down, standing up and walking around the table to him.

"Raye, please listen." Seth pleaded, his hands up in supplication.

"No, that time is done." She answered. "I already know where this is going, I've calculated what will happen to me."

"Then you know that the more of your brain that is restored..." Seth started.

"The closer it will bring me to being human again and a human brain won't be able to take the fact that I am dead." She placed her blackened hand on his shoulder. "That is why we have no time to waste."

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