Chapter 9

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Seth had driven as fast as his car could take him, his body screaming in protest at his movements, straight to the teleporter depot where he hastily slid his card to get a teleport to Lord Robin's manor. The clerk watched him with a critical eye as if Seth had recently committed a crime and he was running from it. Perhaps that is why the clerk took an extra moment to run Seth's credentials through the security systems before granting him access to the teleporter in bay three. Seth gave a hurried nod and a thank you through his clenched teeth before moving a few feet to the third bay, he closed his eyes tight, held his arm tight around his chest, and clenched his fists as the teleporter hummed to life.

The next moment he was aware of, he was standing in the teleporter room of the manor. The whole house was quiet and dark, save for the sun outside of the windows. Seth stumbled exhausted from the teleporter and threw himself out of the door. He didn't know which way to go in the hallway, right or left? His brain was buzzing with activity, but now the adrenaline was starting to fade, things were going fuzzy, the pain was starting to take over. He took another step that brought him down hard on his knees in the hallway, he managed to let out a loud groan before his rush left him and he slumped onto the floor, taking a tall potted plant down with him.

He awoke in a room he didn't recognize; a low light was sitting on the nightstand next to the bed he was laying in. His clothes had been changed and from the smell of it, he had been washed as well. He tried to sit up and that is when he saw the IV in his arm, the sight of which made him dizzy and he slumped back down onto the pillow. When he had stopped moving, he heard voices murmuring on the other side of the door.

"No, I can't just wait Evangeline, I need to talk to him and see what happened to him." Robin's voice drifted through the closed door.

"Robin, he needs rest!" Evangeline responded back in a low voice. "We can't push him too hard, it's a miracle that he even made it here in that condition." There was a sigh and a moment of silence between them. "We don't know what happened to him or who caused him to be like this, and he needs time to recover before we ask him anything. We need to send him to a hospital, we need to listen to the doctors."

"Alright." Robin sighed. "We'll send him right away. I can see him in a few days to ask him about what happened."

Seth's brain was starting to come out of its fog, he knew he couldn't wait any more to tell Robin that his brother was in very real danger from Raye. He sat up too quickly and pulled his legs around to try to stand up. Instead his vision blurred around the edges and he tipped forward, his upper body falling swiftly to the floor, knocking his IV stand down with a loud clang. Robin and Evangeline quickly burst through the door and rushed to get him back to bed.

"What are you doing?" Robin reprimanded. "You can't get up! You are much too weak!"

"Get him back to bed." Evangeline said through gritted teeth as she started lifting his upper body back towards the bed. Robin saw what she was doing and lifted him the rest of the way into the bed, all three of them were panting once Seth was back in his original place, his chest screaming and his head pounding.

"No, no time for rest." Seth said, breathlessly. "I came to warn you."

"Warn me?" Robin said, sitting on the edge of Seth's bed as Evangeline checked the IV to make sure it was still in place.

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