Chapter 12

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The walls of the cell were a few feet deep and made of concrete, there was a vid screen, a large bed with a couch at the end of it and a small fake holographic window in the far side of the room. The door was reinforced steel that was coded to only open with a certain fingerprint of the guard on duty at that moment. Jamie had watched the news coverage of what had happened at his old home, he had no words for the anger he felt that his brother had left him to rot in this room, the fact that his brother was allowing this to happen, his imprisonment and his upcoming trial. He had contracted the best lawyers he could find and even had them working overtime to make sure that he wouldn't be found guilty. The good news was that with Raye going mad and killing people, he had a very solid leg to stand on, all he needed was some bought witnesses that would say he was nowhere near where Raye had died.

He could recall the night as clear as day though, every smell, every sensation, how if felt when she was slowly losing a battle with death under the grasp of his hands on her neck. The rush of having someone's life and death in his hands, the feeling as he plunged unwanted into her, her feeble curses at him and her hot wetness, even the bruising that was forming on her face from the earlier blow, he could recall it all. The thought still made him excited, his loose prison uniform unable to hide his erection.

He had scouted her that week, her ethereal look, her easy way with the patrons, if she had been noble born he would have pursued her in a much different way, and then he would have enjoyed and abused her every night as a husband has rights to do. He wanted her so badly then that he would have done anything to have her. So was so unlike the women he had seen, the dark-haired women that had always pulled out his darker fantasies like his mother had shown him. She had been the opposite of all that, it was true, he didn't mean to kill her, but once he saw her face darkening he had become even more impassioned. One more randomly dead girl in a small town, who would have cared? It may have been his only time to experience death this close, he relished the thought as he continued in his attack on her, his climax came as he saw the blood vessels burst in her eyes from his grip.

The man that had been with him that night, another bar patron that he had usually met up with had panicked once he realized that she was dead. Jamie had been able to keep him quiet for a few years, but ultimately, he had wanted money for his silence and Jamie was not someone that could be extorted. He suffered a most unfortunate accident, tragic really, for a man like Evan to meet his end in a home robbery gone wrong. Jamie had promised the assassin that he would get off free, but in the end had his lawyer serve the man a cup of poison disguised as coffee. Tragic, it looked as though he had died of a brain aneurysm, nothing else to be done. All his loose ends had been tied up, until now.

In hindsight now, he wished he had just kidnapped her and kept her in a locked away room somewhere to have more of her as he liked. He would have paid her off well in the end or killed her all the same. But at least he had gotten her back again.

Jamie paced the floor, waiting for his brother to come and visit him. The news feeds were alight with tales of the rogue Porcelyn that had killed people and attacked a manor. Robin should have come to tell him what had happened in detail and what was going to happen now that Raye was still on the loose and how they were going to hide him. Days turned into weeks, the repercussions of Raye's actions were being felt globally. Porcelyns were being dismissed if they showed the slightest malfunction. Either sent back to the factory or they were destroyed by their owners who were worried that their defects could not be fixed at the factory. People were starting to turn down becoming a Porcelyn, even as the company raised their payout by double, only the lowest class people still remained on the list.

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