A Ride 💒

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in the office:

What is he thinking now,is he insane or what... surely he had a hit on his head..just two days before yesterday he was like a Mini monster and tried to avoid me always now he became love minion and promising to be together ...he became mad and decided to make me mad...


i always wanted to hear these from him but now i waa really heart broken and i don't dare to trust him..anymore .I know if something happens again i will be the one who suffer the most .So krithi hold your heart ,don't listen to him  i told my self.

After sometime.

I was doing my work ..and i was so immerced so i couldn't hear the office phone ringing.

"Krithi" i heard a  voice.

"Come to my office right now" .chief lead said .I nobbed.he went away.

What happened now..anything gone wrong??.his face is really scary and how I'm gonna deal with him.

"Hi sir" i said.

Ankith was inside the room too,I looked at him..to my surprise ankith was sitting there with hands across his chest.and smiling at me.(Recommendation with chief

(God this ankith really killing me with these stupid smile).

"Krithi,please guide Mr.Ankith from tomorrow"he said .

"Yes sir" i nobbed.

I glared at ankith he is smiling at me.

During lunch time

Me and my colleagues sat on a table and i opened our lunch box, Karthik came and sat with us.we all started laughing at someone's jokes and i really enjoying  after sometime.

"May i join too" ankith said.
All looked at him. He is holding a plate in his hands.his is so tall that i looked so little infront of him.

"Yes Mr.Ankith...you can" Karthik said.

He dragged a chair from behind and places it in between  me and Karthik..i looked away .he put his plate on the table.and looked at me and all.everyone is shocked as they don't know him.

"Hi all I'm ankith" he said.

"hii "all girls in our group said to him..i guess they were already roaming in their dreams with Ankith..but girls he is not prince charming..he is a devil.

"Wow ,what a responce  for you ankith"Karthik winked at Ankith.

Poor  Karthik you are really boosting is over confidence i bet he is on cloud nine.these girls are blind in handsomeness.

"Hi ankith,I'm neha,neha sri" one our colleague gave him hand.they had a hand shake.I can smell something is burning inside me.

"Do you have a date for our annual party"she said.

"No,i don't have". ankith said in sweet voice

(He is Not even missing a single chance to flirt with girls,)

"shall i be your date then" she said.

"Sorry,.."he said.

I was shocked and looked at him.

"What..and why??" She said

"Actually I'm married ,so my wife would accompany me"he said while looking at me.

"MARRIED..ankith how can you marry in a such young age" everyone exclamied.

"yeah I'm married" he said.

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