27- Let's talk over a glass

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Xander's POV

I watch Aurora leave the room as a quiet sigh leaves my lips. I lean back in my chair as I drop my pen onto the table, a small ink dot forms on the blank paper in front of me. I grab my phone before dialing Ethans number. 

"Yes?" Ethan answers. Like always, Ethan never says hello when I'm calling.

"Wanna grab a glass?" I ask. 

Drinking last night was a mistake that I do not intend on remaking so a glass of blood would sit nicely. And I do need to speak with Ethan.

"Yeah, sure." His voice holds excitement, I like spending time with him as well but that's something I'll never tell him. 

"In 5?" 

"Royal Kitchen in 5," he answers my question with a further explanation. 


I take a seat on the high barstool beside Ethan in the Royal Kitchen. We sit by the tall kitchen island. The chef hands us a glass of blood each. I sip on the liquid before speaking. 

"So how're things going for you?" I ask after licking the blood off my lips. Ethan's head snaps in my direction, surprised by my question.

"Eeeh," he starts off unsure, "well Hazel has been on my heels all week, wanting to know more about Aurora." he laughs slightly, a chuckle escapes my lips. 

"She's one stubborn vamp," I laugh as I take another sip from my glass. The irony taste dances on my tongue, although I miss that sweet taste that Aurora holds. 

"But otherwise everything's been great," Ethan interrupts our laugher. "You?" 

Here it comes, the truth. 

"I think I found my mate..." I sigh. Ethan's eyes almost pop out of his head once my words leave my lips. My gaze falls to the liquid in my glass as I stir it around "I'm not certain tho, but I felt the sparks." I look up at Ethan, a big smile is plastered on his lips. 

"Who is it?" he asks, still with a smile on his lips. Any happiness I felt before is now gone, thanks to the fact that Aurora is my mate. His smile dies as well when he sees my face. "Is it that bad? Is it someone like Hazel." 

"No. But she isn't what I hoped for, what I longed for." 

"Then who?" 

I can't keep him in the dark any longer. He needs to know, I trust him with this. 

"Don't tell anyone else."

"Of course," Ethan scoffs at my stupid words. 

"Aurora," I have trouble uttering her name; like there's a lump in my throat preventing me from speaking. 

Silence fills the room, no one daring to talk. Ethan's eyes are blank and so is his mind; shock. That's what I felt when I found out and now he's feeling it as well. 

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