38- Everything it takes

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Ethan's POV

I need to get Aurora out of that room and over to Xander. The bond is getting stronger every day and by now I thought that Xander would've already gone down there. Some nights I go down there, just to check up on her just to find her whispering his name. 

If he can't man up and get down there then I will bring Aurora to him. I know that the moment he sees her, he will drop the tough act and finally just go for her. 

I will do everything it takes to make him realize that Aurora is the right one for him. I don't care how much he resists her, I will keep on trying. 

Now all I need to do is figure out how to convince Aurora into following me out of the basement. It shouldn't be too hard, I know she misses him. Saying that he wants to see her should make her get out of that room. 

I turn the corner off the twelfth floor as my body stops abruptly, making me fall backward. I look up to see what I bumped into, just to see Xander staring down at me with boredom written all over his face. For a long, while we just stare at each other without uttering a word. Something in his eyes lights up with recognition before opening his mouth. 

"Shouldn't you be down in the basement?" he asks as he helps me up from the floor. 

"Well, Aurora is feeling a bit under the weather so I'm getting her some medicine," as my words leave my mouth, Xander's eyes flash of worry. 

"She's sick?" he asks, his voice showing no emotion all while his eyes tell a different story. I try my best to think of a sick Aurora, just in case, he listens to my thoughts.  

"Yes," I answer with a strong voice and confidence, "so if I may, I would like to go get her medicine," I lie, still thinking of a sick Aurora. 

The worry on his eyes leaves and he steps aside as he gives me a nod and lets me walk past him and into my room. I let out a long breath that I didn't know I was holding before turning around and sprinting towards my bed, falling onto it with my face into my pillow. 

I just lied to my big brother, I've never done that to him. 

I'll make it up to him with Aurora. 

Everything it takes. 

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