41- Lies

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Aurora's POV

I walk the empty halls of the castle as orange light shines through the windows, casting long shadows onto the floors and walls. No matter how many colors I see, everything seems gray and dull.

My feet lead me down those many stairs I've walked so many times before and down to the basement door. I pull at the door, noticing that it's locked.

Right, Ethan locked the door. 

I turn around and continue walking, absentmindedly. I don't know which corners I'm turning or where I'm heading, all I can think of is the whole scenario that happened upstairs. I shake my head as new tears form in my eyes, continuing to walk. 

Voices stop me from walking further. I stop at the corner of the hall as I shift into a cat, in case they hear my heartbeats. I sharpen my ears as I listen closely. 

"The dark lord is killing all of our men, hope the king knows what he's doing," a deep male voice whispers

The dark lord? Killing their men? Is there a war going on that the vampires aren't telling us about? I don't understand. 

"I don't know how long we can continue this war before we lose," another lighter male voice whispers back as if the walls have ears. "I just can't believe our army is weaker than that freaks," he continues. 

"I've heard that no one can look him in the eyes without falling for some kind of curse." the deep voice whispers even quieter. 

"I'm just glad that I'm not on the island military." the lighter voice laughs quietly. 

I listen to the fading footsteps of the men before shifting back into my human form. I sit down onto the floor as shock takes over my senses. 

More lies. That's all I get more lies and secrets. This day is the worst I've ever lived through, it's even worse than the day I found out that I was going to be sold. 

I'm sick of the lies and I'm sick of the secrets. I need to speak to Xander. Right now. 

I turn around and sprint towards the stairs, running as fast as I can, towards Xander's room. Before my hand can knock on his door I freeze in my spot, every muscle in my body screaming for me to turn around and walk away. So, slowly I turn around and walk  into the opposite direction as the moon's glow replaces the sun's orange rays. 

So stupid, I'm so stupid. Confronting Xander won't do any good and besides, he doesn't want to see me. He hates me. I know that now, better than anyone. 

I wish I wouldn't have agreed with Ethan to go out of the basement. I wish I could've kept on living in a lie, oblivious of any plan Xander and Ethan had. 

But now the truth is out and it's killing me. 

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